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Trudi Bond - "MIND OVER MATTER" - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis-Magazine




Trudi Bond, SW Washington


We've all heard that saying a time or two but I've never taken it to heart, as much as I should have. That truth is backed up by the Bible verse "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."


The human brain controls every part of our bodies, even the parts we have no knowledge of. It controls every action of every cell; and it is the healing center as well. The brain was designed to make all the systems work together to come in line with the perfect health that we were meant to have. When everything is in order, it sends messages to the immune system to attack a foreign attacker sent to take things out of alignment. So now that we can understand that process, it goes even deeper to the external thanks that control our life.


We can create happiness in our lives, just by having the right mindset. No matter what we are going through, we are still in control of our mind. Once you really get a hold of that truth, you can overcome depression, sadness, or any form of un-satisfaction. You just make a decision to have a good time, in any and every moment of your life.  Don't let the outward circumstances in your life control your feelings! God promised us that if we just think on the things of God - that we will never have to worry.


 I am now going in a direction that is the hardest part to comprehend - because it just doesn't seem to make sense; but it is still an important truth that the Bible teaches.


Your brain will listen to what you put into it. Your brain has certain parts that control certain special functions, but science has proven that when a certain part is damaged, other parts can learn to take over other functions it wasn't necessarily meant to perform. That can also show us that when we use our brain to visualize things and the changes we'd like to have in our life - somehow thinking on the areas we'd like to change - can bring about success.  Picture your self in a position you would like to have and have no doubt in your heart that you can become what you have purposed in your heart.


Even people of other faiths have used these truths to have success in their life and because God is faithful to His Word - He allows them to achieve. His Word says that only those who believe on Jesus and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord - and accept Him into their life, can be saved. (Which is eternal life with Him, in heaven). So earthly blessings will come, but they need Him for eternity and ultimate, and permanent success.


Trudi Bond - In His Love