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Top Tip: *Don't* try to learn all of the smilies and acronyms listed here! You'll only ever use a small percentage, so just use this list to refer to whenever you come across any unknown acronyms or smilies, and before long you'll soon pick them up. If you really want to learn some, then just learn those in our 'Top 20'.

What Are Smilies/Emoticons and Acronyms?

Where text on a screen is so emotionless, Internet users started using Smilies (Emoticons). When viewed from the side, these strings of characters form expressive faces. e.g. :-) is a smiling face and :-( is a sad face. They also used Acronyms to replace well used phrases or to represent real life emotions (such as laughing out loud). Finally, there was also a technical reason why smilies and abbreviations sprung up on the net. By cutting down on the amount of text, they save on 'bandwidth' and possibly storage space..

So that everyone can understand one another, an unofficial set of smilies and acronyms cropped up. The following is a list of the more popular ones and, the ones you are most likely to come across on CFS-20s and #cfs-20s.

CFS-20s and other CFS/ME/FMS mailing lists/news groups also use acronyms and terms that are specific to these communities. Some of them are just general medical acronyms, where as others will only ever be found in CFS-20s and/or other CFS/ME/FMS groups. You can find a list of them all here.


The 'Top 20' Smilies & Acronyms Used On CFS-20s

:-)Smiling - Person is happy/joking.   CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome
;-)Winking - Person made a flirtatious/sarcastic remark.   FMSFibromyalgia Syndrome
:-(Sad - Person is sad/upset.   IMHOIn My Humble/Honest Opinion
:-/Frowning - Person is frowning/perturbed/skeptical.   j/kJust Kidding
AIYHAll In Your Head   LOLLaughing Out Loud
AWAPAs Well As Possible   MCSMultiple Chemical Sensitivity
DDDamn/Dreaded/Disabling/etc. Disease   MEMyalgic Encephalomyelitis
<g>Grin or Giggle   NMHNeurally Mediated Hypotension
(((name))) Hugs   PWCPerson With CFIDS
CFIDSChronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome   ROTFLMAO Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off

Typing in Capitals: When someone types a word in capitals, then they are 'SHOUTING'. Because it is hard to read text that is all caps, it is frowned upon if you do it a lot, so use this sparingly and just when you need to express that particular emotion.

Stars/asterisks around words: This is used to either emphasize a word or to stress an action. e.g. If I said "I did *not* like that!", it means I am adamant about not liking it.


Internet Smilies/Emoticons

The More Common Smilies

This person is either happy or joking.
This person is winking because they just said something cheeky, flirtatious and/or sarcastic.
This person is either sad, upset or depressed, or they did not like the last statement made.
This person is either frowning, perturbed, perplexed, or skeptical about the last statement made.
This person is sticking their tongue out, or blowing a raspberry.
This person is muddled/indicates Brainfog.
Combination of the winky smilie and sticking your tongue out.
My lips are sealed.

Mini-Smilies - Same as above, only less so.


The Less Common Smilies

This person has their eyes shut/is asleep.
This person is laughing or has a big smile.
This person is drooling/dribbling.
A Kiss.
This person just made a really evil sarcastic remark. Like a ;-) only more so.
This person is indifferent. Neither happy or sad.
This person is shocked or aghast.
This person is wearing glasses/sunglasses or is wide eyed.
 O :-) 
This person is an angel, butter wouldn't melt in their mouths.
This person is sad and crying.
This person is happy and crying.
This person is screaming.


Acronyms/Terms Specific To CFS-20s or CFS/ME/FM Mailing Lists

(Terms in 'BOLD' are specific to CFS-20s)

AIYHAll In Your Head   MEMyalgic Encephalomyelitis
BODCFS-20s' Board of Directors - the people who help run the List   MPSMyofascial Pain Syndrome
BrainfogTerm used to describe the fuzzy brain symptoms of CFIDS.   NMHNeurally Mediated Hypotension
CFIDSChronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome   POTSPostural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
CFSChronic Fatigue Syndrome   PVFSPost Viral Fatigue Syndrome
DDDamn/Dreaded/Disabling/etc. Disease   PWCPerson with CFS/CFIDS/M.E./FMS
dx or dx'eddiagnose or diagnosed   PWMEPerson With ME
EBVEpstein Barr Virus   PWFPerson With FMS
EIEnvironmental Illness   RxPrescription Drug
FlatbackedSomeone who has to stay 'flatbacked' in bed/on sofa.   RLSRestless Leg Syndrome
FM or FMSFibromyalgia Syndrome   SOTSSystematic Othostatic Tacycardia Syndrome
Founding MothersRobyn, Amanda, and Cat. Three wise and wonderful women who founded CFS-20s   TobynTodd + Robyn = "Tobyn"
FrainbogHow someone with Brainfog spells Brainfog! ;-)   TTTTilt Table Test (a test often used to diagnose NMH)
GFGlandular Fever (Mono)   YPWCYoung Person With CFS/CFIDS (generally 25 and under)
GWSGulf War Syndrome   YPWFYoung Person With FMS (generally 25 and under)
IBSIrritable Bowel Syndrome   YPWMEYoung Person With ME (generally 25 and under)
MCSMultiple Chemical Sensitivity  


Internet (And IRC Specific) Acronyms

Internet Acronyms

AFAIKAs Far As I Know IMHOIn My Humble/Honest Opinion
AKAAlso Known As IMNSHOIn My Not So Humble Opinion
ASAPAs Soon As Possible IMOIn My Opinion
ATMAt The Moment IRLIn Real Life
AWAPAs Well As Possible ISTRI Seem To Recall
BTWBy The Way J/KJust Kidding
FAQFrequently Asked Questions LOLLaughing Out Loud
FWIWFor What it's Worth OBTWOh By The Way
FYIFor Your Information OTOHOn The Other Hand
<g>Grin or Giggle RLReal Life (i.e Off the net)
<eg>Evil Grin or Giggle ROTFLRolling On The Floor Laughing
<lg>Little Grin or Giggle (User wants to grin/giggle but finding it hard to) ROTFLMAO  Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass/Arse Off
{{{name}}}Hugs RTFMRead The Fucking Manual
(((name)))Hugs SOSignificant Other
GDRGrin, Duck and Run SOLShit Outta Luck
HANDHave A Nice Day SOSSame Old Shit (or Stuff)
HTHHope This Helps TIAThanks In Advance
ICBWI Could Be Wrong WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get
IIRCIf I Recall Correctly YMMVYour Mileage May Vary (That's my opinion/experience, your's might be different.)
IMAOIn My Arrogant Opinion

Typing in Capitals: When someone types a word in capitals, then they are 'SHOUTING'. Because it is hard to read text that is all caps, it is frowned upon if you do it a lot, so use this sparingly and just when you need to express that particular emotion.

Stars/asterisks around words: This is used to either emphasize a word or to stress an action. e.g. If I said "I did *not* like that!", it means I am adamant about not liking it.

IRC Specific Acronyms

AFKAway From Keyboard     GGPGotta Go Pee!
B4Before     ICI See
BCNU  Be Seeing You     IDKI Don't Know
BFNBye For Now     L8RLater
BACKBack At Keyboard     OICOh, I See!
BBLBe Back Later     rehi  Hello Again
BRBBe Right Back     SYLSee You Later
CUL8RSee You Later     TTFNTa Ta For Now
F2FFace To Face     TTYLTalk To You Later
GBHGreat Big Hug     WBWelcome Back


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