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Page Two
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The next step into crossovers: Reploid May Cry. You watch, when they make the game, I'll be the one laughing! I used Sakura Micron pens again to draw X (going over the pencil twice with .20 thickness pen), and scanned the penned drawing in black and white (instead of color *smacks self on head*). I scanned the pic of Dante from the Devil May Cry Graphic Edition artbook. In order to make the two look semi like they belong in the pic together, I had to reduce everything except the title into black and white. I really don't like this picture all that much, but the message is just so true that I had to make it. Most likely I'll use this pic of X to make a better color drawing. Originally I wanted the cross over game to be Resident Evil... maybe you'll see that soon.
This one is really cute! It's X meeting Megaman (original). I wasn't even going to color this because the ink only version wasn't very impressive, and the spacing between the two is a little awkward. I wanted X to be practically looking straight down to see the chibi-Mega Man, which is why they're placed this way. I also wanted X to be holding something that Megaman wanted (ice cream?), but it didn't work when I was sketching it, so now they're just looking at each other. The final product is cute. I used photoshop to make the graph paper background. Used: Sakura Micron .20 thickness pen. Colored on Photoshop.
This is a pic of EXE and Lan cosplaying as each other. I'm actually slightly bothered by the fact that people don't like it because EXE and Lan look girly. I worked really hard on this pic. Two weeks from pencil to finished product. *_* Well, whatever. _I_ like it :p I think it looks cute, girly or whatever. Penned with my dying Sakura Micron .20mm pen (I've been abusing it.) I actually penned the thing too dark this time, and scanning it on black and white mode caused all the lines to look blocky, like some Apple IIE grapics (remember those computers?) Colored on Photoshop Elements. I increased the "feathering" option to 2px this time when I selected areas for highlighting and shading to create a softer feel for the lighting. The coloring truly took forever this time. The background was the best thing I could come up with at the time... I was so tired from the coloring I just wanted to get it over with. It's the best CGing I've done thusfar, but I'm a little sad that most people didn't like this picture... and instead were more impressed by my X Profile picture which took me an hour to draw and an hour to color. I mean.. ARUGH.
Number of Times Rejected by PSM for Fan Art Entries

Number of Issues of PSM Purchased
20+, I'm a darned loyal reader *_*