Disclaimer: If this world were a fair place, I'd own at least one Spike. I'll allow you to draw conclusions about the state of the world from that true-ism...

Author's Note: You reviewers are wonderful. You have allowed me to see the light. You're right: it was pointlessly cruel of me to leave off where I did. I am almost as heartless as Buffy was during S6. I hope this chapter will remedy things. So, get ready for the three-way smut! ^_^

Previously: There's a plot, but you don't care about it. I'll remind you of what it is after the wonderful multi-chapter smut scene that begins here. All you need to know: Buffy's about to get naked with two Spikes at once!

Double Spiked
Chapter Eight - Double Spiked At Last...

Buffy moaned when two strong, male bodies pressed into her on both sides, trapping her tightly between them.

They both dove for her throat at the same instant, and she would have found their synchronization mildly humorous, if she hadn’t been so completely overcome with desire. One Spike was nipping at the nape of her neck, slowly making his way toward her collarbone. He gently traced its line, following it upward to the delicate column of her neck…

The other had started out at the bite mark Angel had left at the base of her neck. He bit it a bit roughly with blunt teeth as if trying to erase his Sire’s impact on her life. Buffy’s eyelids fluttered shut at the pang of need his actions sent through her. He then licked over the wound, caressing it with his rough tongue before moving upwards, past her other two bites…

They each found the pulse point on opposite sides of her neck simultaneously. Buffy let out a heady gasp, clutching at them. One hand found the hair of the Spike in front of her, and she held his head firmly to her throat. The other snaked around behind her and caught the other Spike by that sexy ass of his. She gave the cheek a slight squeeze and pulled his hips up against hers so that she could feel his erection grinding against her from behind.

In response, hands began to caress her everywhere.

Now, she had thought that just one Spike had the amazing ability to have his hands be everywhere at once. With two Spikes, the sensations were beyond incredible.

One hand trailed loosely through her hair before coming down to cup her cheek. She kissed his thumb lightly when it brushed past her lips and moaned at the wonderful salty flavor of his skin.

Another hand tenderly palmed one of her breasts, feeling its even weight before massaging the needy flesh there. He managed to explore every inch of her soft mound, discovering pleasure points that she hadn’t even known had existed.

A third hand caught her knee and brought it up to wrap around the waist of the Spike in front of her. It then grazed across her smooth skin, starting at the back of her knee and gliding slowly up her thigh, sneaking under her skirt as it did so. He caressed first the back of her thigh, then the smooth inside – she whimpered raggedly when he didn’t continue up into her core – and then the outside. He firmly cupped her ass when he reached it, and she fit so perfectly into his palm that she’d couldn’t help but wonder if her body had been made for his…

That would certainly explain how he knew how to set every nerve in her body on fire. An arm was now wrapping around her waist, holding her back against the hardness of the Spike behind her. He applied just enough pressure to hold her tightly but not so hard that the butterflies in her stomach couldn’t flutter about wildly. His thumb was now massaging slow circles into her abdomen, moving in perfect counterpoint to the butterflies…

A strong hand – she’d lost track of which one – now held her other breast as well. She was pretty sure a different Spike had each breast, but their motions seemed perfectly in time. They traced the outline of her areolas in the same moment, each teasing her needy, hardened nipples. She let out a short cry of frustration, and both hands gave in, fingering the hard buds. One flicked, while the other twisted. One rubbed in a circle, the other straight up and down… Always in perfect time with the other to give her maximum pleasure, but also off just enough to have her screaming at the differences.

One hand gave her a hard tweak, and she couldn’t take in anyone. She roughly took hold of the head of the Spike in front of her with both hands, and forced his head up from her neck to her mouth.

He groaned at the feel of her soft lips against his one more. Her lips parted under his pressure at once, and he caught her mouth fully, his tongue plunging deep inside her. Her own tongue was ready to meet it, and the two wrestled within her mouth, neither able to overpower the other and neither really wanting to…just like their fights.

Buffy’s hands ran over the sharp edges of his cheekbones as he deepened their kiss. She knew abstractly that she would probably die from lack of oxygen if she didn’t break away soon, but what a way to die!

However, before this had a chance to occur, the Spike behind her gave her back between her shoulder blades a good, hard, blunt-toothed love bite that sent her head flying back in a moan of delight.

The Spike she had been kissing instantly took advantage of her bare, exposed throat. His teeth – still blunt, also – latched on to the smooth, vulnerable skin, and Buffy had no doubt that she would have the mother of all hickeys there when this was all over.

Right now, however, she craned her neck around to look at the Spike behind her and suddenly found his lips mere millimeters from her own. He let out a slow, unnecessary breath, and she could feel the cool tickle of the air on her lips…as well as the soft, accidental brush of his lips when he exhaled.

She pulled back a little to look into his eyes, and one glance into the midnight blue fire was all it took to determine that this was her Spike.

She let her arm fall back around his neck and toyed with the fine, silken hair at the nape of his neck. He closed his eyes in response, resting his forehead against hers. She stood there frozen for a minute, her body aroused by the Spike at her throat and relaxed by the one nestled against her. It was an unusual combination of sensations. Unusual, but not at all unpleasant.

She rolled her forehead slightly to give herself a better angle and then gently kissed her Spike. His lips responded slowly, as if he were savoring every moment of this kiss… And then the flames within them reached inferno heat, and they were no longer able to hold back. Their mouths crashed together, hungry and demanding and unyielding. Buffy whimpered when he pulled back to change to slant of their kiss, and then practically cried for joy when his lips claimed hers again, possessing them.

The other Spike, meanwhile, had finally relented on his continued tease of her thigh. His fingers slipped into her panties and twirled the soft, dark curls there. She thrust her hips onto his hand in response, and he rewarded her by allowing his thumb and forefinger to catch her clit between them, pinching and twisting at the sensitive nub of flesh until it was raw and aching with need.

“Oh, god!” Buffy exclaimed, breaking her kiss with her Spike.

“Couldn’t agree with you more, pet,” he panted needlessly.

The other Spike’s fingers found their way to her swollen entrance and plunged inside. Her leg clutched him closer, forcing his fingers deep within her, and she began to let out breathy moans in time with the thrusts of his fingers.

Her Spike had now taken over her breasts, slipping beneath her shirt and bra to cup one in each hand. He roughly rubbed her hard, pink buds until she thought she would burst with need.

“Downstairs,” she gasped for air. “Now!”

She got no disagreement. Afterwards, she tried to remember how all three of them had got down the ladder without breaking contact in the slightest. Her final conclusion was that the hellmouth must have warped space and time around them because there was no way even the fittest and most agile Slayer and two vampires could have managed it without magical intervention.

But what did it matter now? She had two beautiful vampires kissing and licking and pressing up against her in ways that made her eyes roll back.

“To. Many. Clothes,” she managed to voice her complaint, reaching for the hem of her blouse.

Her hands were instantly batted aside, those of one of the Spikes taking their place. She had managed to lose track again. The other Spike found her skirt zipper, and they undressed her fast enough to break the world’s record. The only casualties to their passion were her bra and panties, which flew across the room in ripped shreds.

Now completely naked, Buffy squealed in delight as one Spike lifted her up over her shoulder and dropped her down onto the bed.

“Finally made it,” she gave him a seductive smile before tackling him down to the mattress beside her.

He half-heartedly tried to fight her off while she peppered his face and chest with kisses, her body pinning him down in a hold that left him completely defenseless and at her mercy.

In the meantime, the other Spike had taken advantage of the opportunity to kick off his jeans. He launched himself at Buffy from the side, trapping her beneath his now equally naked body.

“Sticky situation you’ve got yourself in, Slayer,” he hissed in her ear, setting the short hairs there in motion and tickling her lightly. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

“Hmmm,” Buffy said thoughtfully, eyeing him up and down. “I do need to come up with a plan, don’t I?” She turned to the other Spike whose jeans had just joined his twin’s on the floor. “Do you have any suggestions?” she asked him.

He crawled onto the mattress beside her. “You looked pretty trapped, luv,” he shook his head. “That’s a tough hold t’ get out of.”

“I don’t suppose a Big Bad vampire like you would ever agree to help me, huh?” she bit her lip. “Even if I would be very, verrrry grateful?”

“Sorry, ducks,” he sighed ruefully. “Not in the job description for bein’ a Big Bad.”

Buffy looked up at the Spike above her. “Then I guess I’ll just have to take of you myself.”

He gave her a bemused grin, but then his eyes widened when she managed to wrap her leg around his and sent them rolling across the bed. They finally ended up with her on top of him, pinning his wrists neatly above his head.

“Gotcha!” she exclaimed proudly.

“Very good,” the other Spike said from the far side of the bed, prowling over to her like a panther, muscles rippling as he went.

“So,” the Spike beneath her gave up his struggles, “what’re you gonna do with me, Slayer? You gonna stake the Big Bad?”

“Actually,” she said, straddling him, “I was hoping that you would stake me…”

With that she thrust herself down hard on his erection, forcing him deep within her.

“Christ!” he screamed beneath her in amazement and how wet and hot she was.

“No one by that name here,” Buffy shook her head as she began rocking up and down on top of him. “This time try to get it right…” She gave her hips a powerful push downward and clenched her internal Slayer muscles around him at the same time.

“Buffy!” he gasped, his eyes rolling back at her tight heat.

“A fast learner,” she gave him a feline smile. “I like that…” She began to ride him at a slow, steady pace, letting the feel of his rigid member inside her block out everything else.

Thus it was that she didn’t feel the other Spike come up behind her at first. He pressed his body up tightly against her back, letting out a slow sigh when the contours of their bodies melded perfectly together, not allowing a flicker of candlelight to pass between them. He began rocking in time with her, helping her reinforce her rhythm.

She rested her head back against his shoulder when he began licking at her collarbone. He allowed his hand to slip between them, his fingers gently massaging her spine, slowly moving lower and lower until…

She gasped when he first reverently circled her rear opening. She was already full to bursting with the first Spike! He couldn’t honestly expect her to—?

He did.

Her eyes opened wide as one well-lubricated finger slid slowly into her, prodding the tight muscles there and loosening them up.

“Oh, god, Spike!” she cried out, her next downward thrust plunging the Spike below her even deeper inside her. “More! Please!”

He smiled into her hair and made sure his middle finger was thoroughly slicked from the bottle of lubricant before it joined his index finger within her. Her inner walls stretched further, and all she could think to do was to start pounding onto the Spike below her harder and faster.

He clutched at her hips, angling her bucks so that her clit rubbed against the coarse hair at his groin with each thrust.

“Yes, pet!” he whimpered. “That’s a girl…let me all the way in…”

The Spike behind her now had three fingers within her, and she was absolutely convinced she was stretched to her uttermost limits. She remained ignorant of the fact that he was lubing up his long, hard cock until his fingers pulled out and suddenly she felt something else at her opening. Something velvety soft but rock hard at the same time…

“Jus’ relax, pet,” he whispered softly in her ear. “Relax and open wide for me…”

He penetrated her tight ass inch by agonizing inch. She stopped riding the other vampire while he entered her, instead resting briefly with the swollen cock still buried in her cunt up to the hilt and leaning against his chest for support.

“That’s it,” the Spike behind her kneaded the knots at the base of her spine while he pushed the rest of the way in. “You’ve got me, luv…”

Buffy screamed in pain and ecstasy. It felt as though she were being ripped in two…and yet also as if she was truly filled for the first time ever. It was like losing her virginity all over again.

She had felt that once before that night when they had brought the building down. She had firmly believed up until that moment that anal sex couldn’t give a woman an orgasm. That was until Spike had stolen her second virginity… She didn’t think she had ever screamed so hard, but still she’d only let him do that to her twice since, and she was still very inexperienced with these new sensations.

The gentleness of the lover behind her solved the mystery – once and for all – of which was which. In fact, now that she had both of them inside her, she couldn’t believe that she’d ever had any trouble telling the difference.

The physical differences were the most obvious: black nail polish on the fingers of the one below her, none on the arms around her waist, different patterns of scarring – some old scars had she had licked and traced dozens of times before were fresher on the body beneath her. But it was more than that.

Their touches were so different. One set her ablaze, but only the other stoked the fire to a raging inferno. The feel of them as they thrusted inside her – both primal and out of control, but a hidden tenderness slipped through the actions of the vampire behind her.

And then there was the way her body responded. At that moment, she could almost feel the cells in her skin reaching out for the man behind her, instinctively knowing that his touch was the one they sought…

In a flash, her inspiration receded, burned in her memory forever. But for now, the feel of two large cocks within her was too good to waste worrying about serious introspection.

The Spike behind her – her Spike – had begun thrusting slowly now that her muscles had adjusted to his girth. He pressed up into her, lifting her off of past Spike’s hard member. She relaxed on his down stroke, impaling herself one again upon past Spike. They took a few slow pumps that way, getting the feel for the new three-way rhythm.

Buffy gasped in amazement as their pace slowly increased. She was being penetrated at twice their rate, one vampire pushing into her the instant the other pulled out, and it was causing the tightening before the explosion to build within her faster than she ever could have imagined.

By now, there was almost no time between their thrusts, and although they were still alternating, she felt as though they would meet inside her right at her center…

The Spike below her reached up to catch her breasts, fondling the nipples roughly and urging her on. The one behind her wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, clutching her to him and lightly fingering her clit as he did so. They both pounded into her faster and faster, and deeper and deeper…

And Buffy couldn’t take it anymore.

“Spiiiiike!!” she screamed, bracing herself against the chest of the vampire below her as the world collapsed around her.

Her arms gave way when everything turned black and she started falling, but strong arms held her up from behind.

Her internal muscles spasmed harder than ever before, clenching around both Spikes with superhuman strength and fury.

“Buffy!” That was the Spike below her, roaring out his ecstasy to the world with gleaming fangs and yellowed eyes.

The one behind her collapsed against her throat, his face struggling to maintain its human planes as he spilled his cool seed into her in time with his counterpart.

Buffy had an another of those strange moments of clarity in between the sparks that threatened to blind her. “Do it,” she managed to gasp, still falling from that infinite precipice.

“Luv?” her Spike’s voice asked raggedly.

“Do it,” she insisted more firmly.

She screamed again when his fangs pierced her flesh for the first time, flying back up to the top of the peak only to fall again.

Spike knew he was as close to heaven as he would ever come the instant her warm blood touched his tongue. His bite was deep but controlled, and she didn’t bleed much into his mouth. After all, his goal was to give her pleasure, not to feed.

He felt her slump in his arms once again, and struggled for the strength to hold her up. His past counterpart had recovered as well by now, and together they managed to lift her off past-Spike’s body and onto the bed beside him.

Present-Spike settled himself down on the opposite side of her and spooned against her back, lovingly licking at the mark she had finally allowed him to give her. On her other side, past-Spike pressed his body right up against hers, resting her head against his shoulder.

The three of them lay like that for a long time before Buffy finally stirred.

“Mmf,” she murmured dreamily upon finding herself surrounded by such lovely naked vampires. She let out a giggle.

“Wha’s so funny, luv?” her Spike was still kissing his mark proudly.

“Yeah, spill,” past-Spike caught her chin and forced her to look up into his eyes.

She blushed a little and giggled again. “It’s just,” she shrugged, “that now I know what they mean when they say ‘between a rock and a hard place’.”

And indeed she did. Two vampiric countenances flashed evil grins at the same moment and ground their rock hard erections back up against her…

Ah, blessed relief... The next chapter will be chock full of B/S/S smutty goodness, too, so be sure to review so I can keep 'em 'cumming'... ~_^

 More Spikey goodness in chapter nine.