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Prom Pics
The official web site of the first graduating class of the millenium.

Class of 2001! Rulez      Class of 2001! Rulez      Class of 2001! Rulez     Class of 2001! Rulez    

Don't forget to sign the Guest Book!

Milby Class of 2001
Campus Life
Prom Pics
E- mails
Guest Book


In this Section you will find everyone's prom pictures, you can either see pictures from individual people or you can see pictures of the event, most of them are groups who went together.

 If you belong to the Milby Graduating Class of 2001 and if you have pictures for this section, we would like to post them for

 everyone to see, e-mail me @ or Domingo @, so we can post them.



      Individuals                                                              Groups



Class of 2001: MG,DB: Copyright 2002.