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Milby Class of 2001
The official web site of the first graduating class of the millenium.

Class of 2001! Rulez      Class of 2001! Rulez      Class of 2001! Rulez     Class of 2001! Rulez    

Don't forget to sign the Guest Book!

Milby Class of 2001
Campus Life
Prom Pics
E- mails
Guest Book


This web page is intended to let the world know about the Milby Class of 2001, but mainly to keep alive our memories of the most important time as teenagers that will never come back.  The first graduating class of the millenium, we are the special ones.  Find the Milby 2001 graduating class, some highlights of that year, prom pics, school life pics and catch up with everyone in the E-mails section.  Oh, yeah, sign the guest book, too.


Milby High School, 2001.




Class of 2001: Copyright 2002. All Rights Reserved: MG&DB.