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2004 Fidler 5K
(Feb. 28)
results: click here


Dr. Paul P. Fidler, Sr.
                     my dad

       (old USC website about Dad)
          Wish this site hadn't been taken down but I did manage
          to save the primary
page.  Good overview of my dad's
          USC career plus the story behind the Fidler 5K race.

1936 - 2003    

  awards named after Dad
three USC "Paul Fidler" awards

article in Carolinian - Dec. 2003
    very nice story about dad

Dad's football from Lou Holtz
    check it out!

     the obituary
     (longer than Strom Thurmond's!)

   USC's version of obituary
     (slightly different from above)

   newspaper article (The State)
     (published in The State, 6/29/03)

   newspaper article (Gamecock)
     (published in The Gamecock, 6/25/03)

   letter from Brad
     (read at the memorial service, 7/01/03)

       T-shirt logo from
     2nd Annual Fidler 5K
     (Spring 2000)

      back of shirt


     pictures, 1rst annual

     results - 2002

     delts - 2002

    "You are and will always be
          my favorite teacher"

                                         -Kathy Davis  

Dad at early age


   Graveside Pictures - Dec. 2004


click here for
More Photos


       Captain Dad


       back to
 Paul's USC page



