P  a  u  l  ' s
          f   i   r   s   t       c   a   r    

left to right:
Uncle Bob, Aunt "Diney", me,
Cheryl, Dad

Technically this was my first car, and I was all of nine years old. (That's me, the little kid sitting up on top.) Granted, it didn't run (no engine), but I had no driver's license anyway! Dad got it just for me to play on (although I guess the idea was mine, and probably involved much nagging and begging). 

Now I'm no longer sure of the original story of where/how Dad got it, but presumably from a junkyard for perhaps $25. I just remember a tow truck showing up and dropping it off. The beloved 1955 Chevy Bel Air then sat out in the backyard for a number of my pre-teen years, and was the centerpiece of many hours of play.

Finally, after a few blissful years, Dad suspected that the neighbors regarded it as an embarrassing eyesore, and convinced me that we had to get rid of it (I was maybe 14 then)... I immediately built my own playhouse (kinda a tree house but on the ground) on the hallowed spot where it had rested, which, in retrospect was probably no less an eyesore than the car had been.

P.S. Yes, I know '55 Chevys are now very sought-after "classic" cars, and you're thinking it should've been worth money. Well, not around 1970-72. As mentioned, Dad forked over about $25 to buy it, and then just gave it away for free so someone would come tow it away. We could've made a tidy sum had we kept it another 15 years or so, but in 1972 who knew?

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