P    a    u    l   ' s
        m    i    a    t    a   
Another really fun car! Although I still had my Fiero at the time, the Miata was the newer, nicer car, and besides, the top came down! (I could actually drop this Miata's top while driving, provided my speed was low enough [<25 MPH] to not have excess wind rip it out of my hand. Or it was simply a breeze to stop at any stop sign and drop it quickly.) A nice and extremely fun car to drive.
( click for full-size picture )          
there was a drawback to the Miata it was severe lack of luggage space... I figured the Fiero had me well adapted to limited space, but the Fiero could literally carry 3 to 4 times as much stuff as the Miata. (The Fiero had a bigger, deeper trunk, some storage space under the front hood, and slightly more interior space as well.)

For example I could carry my tool box in the Fiero (much needed, too!) but not in the Miata (where it was less needed, thankfully)... Yeah, the Miata was a reasonably trouble-free car (a Mazda, after all) although we didn't buy it new and it did go in the shop a few times for very minor things.

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Eventually traded it in on the Tracker for more utility as well as a cost-savings maneuver (the Tracker-even new-was cheaper and had lower insurance/ property tax as well)... Yet the Miata will always be one of the cars I miss most.



       BMW 320i



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