C  o  c  o     W  h  e  a  t  s  

Kinda like Wedding Cookies this is another "regional" food, i.e. only available in certain parts of the US...

I first learned of Coco Wheats as a young boy during family car trips to West Virginia. The ceremonial buying and cooking of the Coco Wheats became a ritualistic component of these family vacations, and we looked forward to having this 'special' food which didn't exist back home.

Back then, we actually used to stay at the family farmhouse in Arlington, so there were no supermarkets of any kind. Getting the Coco Wheats always meant a trip to some tiny little General Store, which sold everything from groceries to bait and tackle, fan belts, fertilizer, etc.  And you didn't just rush in and out; you always ended up in a long but friendly conversation with the mom-and-pop owners of the store, who stood behind the cash register all day long. After all, they knew everything about everyone in town, and were therefore curious about us strangers with funny accents wanting to buy Coco Wheats and whatnot.

Anyway, I believe Coco Wheats are now more widely available, distributed throughout more of the Southeast and probably entire Midwest.  For example, I believe now you can even buy them in Columbia. Still, however, I haven't seen them in California (nor really expect to).

Fortunately though, they can be purchased online. So, out here in
San Diego, when I really need a fix, I buy a case at their website:





