F  i  d  l  e  r     f  a  m  i  l  y
             g   e   n   e   a   l   o   g   y   

  identical twin
    from 90 years ago?



About eight years ago while going through an old box of photos rescued from the farmhouse we came across this big group shot (right ) with the above guy in the front row... My mom and sister freaked out, thinking it looked so much like me that it was spooky. (I didn't so much think so although I do see the resemblance.)




  Thing is, this is an unidentified picture, not even thought to include any of our Fidler family! It's one of those old picture postcards presumably sent to someone in our family, perhaps by a friend (or perhaps it's a group shot of in-laws, a spouse's extended family).





being labeled in any way we don't know who these people are... None of the others in the photo resemble any of our known clan.

So what am "I" doing sitting there in the front row of this strange group of folk, some 80-90 years ago?! (And if that's me, what's with the hat?!)



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