Welcome to my brand new page dedicated to a new, clean, healthy life in the 'raw'. I am starting this page the day before I begin my 'lemonade' cleanse which I am planning on lasting me 30 days since my body is plugged up with junk foods! :(. I will update the page every day possible, and fill you in on the days it is not possible to write. I am glad you have stopped by! I know now that raw foods is the only way, and is the right way. Read in "me" section for my story, etc. ! Hopefully soon there will be before AND after photos. Thank you! Blessings!

|My Story||Journal||Reasons for going raw!||When I'm totally healthy and totally raw...||My old life||My goals for a new life|

This site is dedicated to the inspiration of Shazzie, Rhio, and many others. Thanks!
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