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Game Club Archive (3rd and most of 4th quad)




Past Events

Message Board


Summer 05
3rd Quad-4/05 
10/11-Winter Br.  Beginning-9/04


Facial Hair Awareness

Addicting Games
(time wasting)

This upcoming Saturday night we are going to have our first retreat.  It will start at 5:00 in the evening and go until sometime Sunday morning.  For more information check the calendar, and if you have any questions you can contact Chase or Dan.
Yes, Game Club members can dance outside of DDR.  We also dance with girls, surprise surprise.  Here are some great pictures of the members that went to Spring Fling.  There are also more pictures posted at the Moose.
Tonight Game Club participated in the fifth annual Club Night where we had up to 10 different DDR pads filled.  There are many pictures of the event at the Moose, here is the link.
Tonight we played about 6 hours of non stop Halo 2, yeah we are still a bit fried.  Click here for more.
Saturday the 19th is game night, please come it will be  in the back hallway of AB 1st floor.  Click here for more.  Any questions please post.
3-17-05 NOMINATIONS!!!
It is closing to the end of the year, and our wonderful leaders are moving on in their lives.  This means we need new leaders, and nominations for those leaders.  We haven't set a date for voting on the new president, vice president, and secretary.  So if you have a nomination of a current Game Club member for any of those positions please leave it here on our message board with your name and a reason why you think they would be a good president, vice president, or secretary.  Also please check the "Nomination" bubble when you submit.
This week the Business and Accounting League had some events that we tagged along with.  On the 22nd Chase went to the dressing professionally event.  And on the 23rd Chase, Jen, some other Game Club enthusiasts, and I went to the etiquette diner at Duba's.  The diner was very nice and we learned some cool etiquette tips for the future.  I will put up some pictures later.
Today we started our Siblings Weekend events.  See The Moose Gallery for pictures here.
Today we were officially threatened by the Gender Studies club telling us that we had better not have a bake sale the same time they do.  Both Chase and I were assaulted by one member physically which shows what kind of members they have.  Since we are respectable Game Club members we have decided to cancel our bake sale and just have cake and stuff at our event over siblings weekend.
We had a meeting today.  Click here for the agenda. If you have any questions or comments for us leave your comments at the message board.
New semester, time to archive again.  Game club events from October to Winter Break can be found under that heading in the archive section.  Feel free to visit those when you get bored of the new postings.  We are looking forward to a wonderful new semester at AQ and hope you can enjoy it with us at our various Game Club events.
Tonight a group of Game Club members decided to take in the newest Marvel Movie.  Elektra was suppose to be this great martial arts movie starring Jennifer Garner as the world's most dangerous assassin wearing a very nice red costume.  Needless to say it was a disappointment.  The fighting was less than expected, the plot worse, and that costume had too little screen time.  We give it one thumb up for an entertaining factor.  If you want to watch it wait for it to come out on video first.
Holy smokes.  It has been a long time since our last post.  Oh well, I hope you all have had a wonderful winter break.  By now you all have probably quit your New Year's resolutions. Today was Club and Org day 2 and we had some fun in lower Wege.  Chase and I played a lot of Super Smash Brothers and signed up one possible new member to our Diablo II night.  Here are some pictures to our fun.  Check back for more updates to come as we kick in gear for the second semester.