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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

Miscellaneous Items

Update: 3067


    A previously undiscovered Star League outpost is unearthed on Black Isle in 3063, a world that saw little surface development due to its acidic atmosphere. The wealth of new blueprints and technical data it is hoped will not only assist the RAAF but also spur activity in the civilian sector.   

    The “King’s Men” armament program is completed in the May of 3064. The Royal Navy has its 2 new WarShips and the newly formed Royal Cambridgeshire, Royal Warwickshire Regiments and the Strathclyde Brigade are officially added to the RAAF roster. Armed with the latest BattleMechs and vehicles, driven and commanded by some of the best rising stars of the League War College these new units are sent post-haste to their new homeworlds where they begin to settle in.

    Also relating to the “King’s Men” program, the Neue Afrika Korps are formed to defend the previously undefended Neue Afrika LDR. Consisting of two regiments, the Tobruk Light Assault and the El Alamain Light Assault, the new garrisons must be vigilant as piratical forces often pick at the Neue Afrika Salient.

    Following the death of Colonel Nadalie Sandhu-Crane at the Battle of Syrene Gulf, 3065, her nephew Major Edward Sandhu takes command of the Lighthouse Irregulars. They withdraw to Dixie V to repair and mourn the loss of Nadalie.   





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