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    Oh yes! Well, here we are... This is my BattleTech Homepage. Here you will find information on me, my faction, my custom designs, my stories, links to other places of complete awesomeness and of course, the best tabletop war game ever, Classic BattleTech!

    If you have ever played a MechWarrior game (like MechWarrior 2, MechWarrior 3, so on...) you should have a basic idea of what a 'Mech is and what the basic story is behind the game. However, if you have never heard of the actual tabletop game you may be left with one burning question:

    What is Classic BattleTech?

    You've picked a toughie there. The BattleTech Universe is so rich and detailed that it is difficult to sum up the game in a few paragraphs. However, some help comes in the form of the Classic BattleTech Master Rules (Revised Edition):

" Welcome to the 31st century [you won't be leaving], a time of endless wars that rage across the known universe. These epic conflicts are won and lost by BattleMechs, 30-foot-tall, humanoid titans of metal bristling with high-intensity lasers, rapid-fire autocannon and dozens of other lethal weapons; enough firepower to level entire city blocks. Your elite force of MechWarriors drive these juggernauts into battle, blasting at your opponent's 'Mechs in a deadly game of kill or be killed. Will they become instant legends or forgotten casualties? Only your skill and luck will determine their fate."

    At first glance, this appears to be like most other sci-fi war games. Much like Warhammer 40K, the universe centres on wars which seem to never end. But behind the simplistic facade lies a deeper and more detailed game. Lets refer to the Master Rules again:

" For almost a thousand years, humans have journeyed into the far reaches of space, colonising thousands of worlds and forming star-spanning alliances. From these grew the five great star empires that make up the Inner Sphere."

"But the Inner Sphere was divided. Its ruling dynasties warred constantly over colony worlds with valuable resources. These titanic struggles led to the development of BattleMechs: gigantic, humanoid battle machines bristling with lethal weapons. From the twenty-fifth century onward, these walking tanks ruled the battlefields. BattleMechs and their skilled pilots changed forever."

"As the price of conflict grew, the Inner Sphere tired of war. In 2571, the five ruling Houses joined together in the Star League, a federation led by a First Lord and served by its own army. For nearly two hundred years, the Star League brought the Inner Sphere peace and prosperity."

"In 2751, the sudden death of its First Lord left the Star League in the care of a child. Young Richard Cameron ruled in name but the real power lay with the five Council Lords. Ambitious and distrustful, they plotted against one another while an evil genius named Stefan Armaris wormed his way into Richard's trusting heart.. In 2766, Amaris assassinated Richard in a bloody coup d'etat."

"The Star League Defence Forces (SLDF), commanded by General Aleksandr Kerensky, refused to accept Amaris's rule. For thirteen years they fought him in a bitter Civil War that was the largest conflict ever fought by humanity, before or since. Kerensky's forces won, but at a terrible price. In the chaos that followed, the Council Lords were each determined to step in as First Lord. Despite efforts by Kerensky to hold it together, the Star League dissolved in 2781."

    Sounds pretty good so far, eh? Well hang on, there's more!

"Unable to halt the impending conflict, Kerensky appealed to his soldiers to join him in leaving the Inner Sphere. Nearly 80% of the Star League Army heeded Kerensky's call to build a new Star League somewhere far beyond the explored universe. In 2784, Kerensky and his followers abandoned their homes and headed into uncharted space, presumably never to return."

"War followed in the wake of Kerensky's dramatic departure. For nearly three centuries , the Houses of the Inner Sphere fought in vain for the right to rule the universe. These 'Succession Wars' brought new alliances but cost the Inner Sphere precious, irreplaceable technology. Constantly manuvering for position, the House Lords assumed the that the greatest enemy they would ever face would be each other."

"They were wrong."

    OOOoooOOOooo... spooky or what???

"While the Inner Sphere sank into barbarism, Kerensky's followers built a new society in the harsh environs beyond known space. They developed a rigid caste system, designed to produce the ultimate Warriors. For nearly three hundred years, the separate castes of Kerensky's Clans were unified by one burning ideal: that when the time was right, they would return home and conquer the Inner Sphere. They would be the 'saviours'  of humanity, rebuilding the Star League in their own image."

"In 3048 the Warlords of the Clans decided that the time was right to launch their invasion of the Inner Sphere. With their powerful 'Mechs and MechWarriors they drove right toward Terra, the birthplace of humanity."

"Faced with a common enemy, the states of the Inner Sphere united against this new threat. But their trust is fragile, their fledgling alliances fraught with risk. The Clans also vie with each other for the honour of being the first to reach Terra. But these internal struggles are nothing compared to the all out war that rages between the Clans and the Great Houses."

    Get ready for it! Here comes the punch-line! Isn't this great, I love it!

"House against House, Clan against Clan and House against Clan, war is everywhere. As commander of a BattleMech force you must out-think, out-manuver and out-shoot your opponent! Your BattleMechs are ready to take to the field, are you ready to lead them?"

    And that's it. A very short intro into the BattleTech universe thanks to the Master Rules. But remember, if you're interested, that there is a lot more to it than this! The universe fills countless source-books and novels, not to mention rule books and technical readouts for all of the different vehicles in use by the different armies of the Inner Sphere. There are five Houses to play as and fight against, the Federated Suns, the Lyran Alliance, the Free Worlds League, the Draconis Combine and the Cappellan Confederation, as well as a host of invading Clans and minor nations, all duking it out! Be sure to check the links page in the Misc. Section of the site as their are plenty of web-pages designed for new BattleTech players, new and old, in order for them to get into/get the most out of the game!

    Have fun!  

If you want to know more about Classic BattleTech, or are interested in becoming a player, visit or email me at




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