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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

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Historical Details


The Vision

    In the years leading up to 2789, during the devastation of the 1st Succession War, Eric Lyon D’Avion (CEO of Mercury Haulage – the largest merchant navy operating in the Inner Sphere) became more and more disgusted with mans inhuman brutality towards man as House Leaders flung missiles and regiments at each other in a bid to destroy the “opposition”. D’Avion was a man with a plan, however. He longed to follow in the footsteps of the bold Alexandr Kerensky and lead his own Exodus from the Inner Sphere into the Periphery where he would form his own nation based on equality and tolerance, free from the violent shackles which locked the population of the Inner Sphere in near constant warfare. An idealistic plan, perhaps, but Eric D’Avion was also a man with the means to achieve his goal.

    An enigmatic figure with the total trust of his employees and a large amount of political thrust within the Successor States, D’Avion spread literature throughout the Inner Sphere calling all those who shared his vision of a new nation to join him on Altoona, his headquarters in the Federated Suns. Eric has expected much of his workforce and his private security force to step up, maybe 100,000 more souls from throughout the Inner Sphere. He soon realised that he had greatly underestimated the power of his dream. By the 1st of January 2789 Altoona had become enveloped in a cloud of DropShips, both civilian and military. The zenith and nadir jump points were clogged with shipping as more and more vessels poured into the system, millions of willing colonists from every Successor State pledging allegiance to Eric D’Avion and his vision. Numerous military units also turned rogue to join Eric. Mercenaries left their contracts, Kuritan regiments were declared Ronin and fled into the Federated Suns – soldiers and their machines, tired of the killing, ran from every corner of the Inner Sphere and joined their civilian counterparts in orbit of Altoona, watching and waiting.

    In a journey that would take more than two years, on the 4th of July 2789 Eric D’Avion led the largest fleet since the Star League Exodus from Altoona across the Inner Sphere. The destination was the Royalist Star Cluster, a dense, uncharted globular neighbourhood of stars, many of which promised to have worlds ripe for colonisation. D’Avion and his advisors plotted a course that took them straight through the Sol System and along the Lyran Alliance-Free Worlds League border in order to avoid reprisal attacks against the renegade units that had joined the New Exodus. D’Avion divided his followers into five sections which travelled in a convoy that at the height of the Exodus stretched over 150 light-years like a tear trekking over the Inner Sphere. The JumpShips crawled through space, one jump at a time, following coordinates left behind by the vessels ahead of them. Unfortunately, some accidents could not be helped, but with each lost vessel the resolve of the colonists and their renegade protectors grew stronger. As Eric cleared each planet he sent telemetry to the following Ships ensuring that every captain would be aware of the next destination. Miraculously no ‘Ships were taken out of the convoy due to human error in all this time.

    On the 12th of December 2791 Eric D’Avion and the two other lead JumpShips arrived in the Viborg system and began charging their K-F drives for the next leg of the Exodus. They had cleared the Sphere, now they were Cluster-bound. It was at this point that Eric D’Avion unveiled his master-stroke that would still be affecting the Royalist Alliance even in 3062. Working with a series of insiders, Eric had managed to smuggle an old Star League Memory Core out of the Federated Suns. The Davions had hoped to have NAIS crack the core’s encryption and gain access to the data inside, but now they would never have that chance, and the Alliance thanks to Eric’s sage thinking would still have the secrets of the Star League even when the rest of the Inner Sphere had sunk into barbarism.

    The lead element jumped to the first star they could which was known to have a colonisable satellite. The three JumpShips made the precarious jump and, after a system check, deployed all the available DropShips to chart the system. The survey took over three weeks, during which time 10 more JumpShips arrived in system. Seeing that the fourth planet had an ecosystem similar to that of Tharkad’s, Eric D’Avion ordered Captain Pollard Gunne and his complement of colonists to remain and begin settling on the fourth planet – quickly christened “Gunne’s World”. Eric pressed spinward, leaving behind the two other lead JumpShips, the captains of which had orders to commit each section of the Exodus convoy to a region of the Star Cluster, thus cutting down the time it would take to explore and colonise each suitable system. Former FWL citizens headed spinward-fringeward. Kuritan and Cappellan colonists were instructed to put racial differences behind them and head fringeward. Lyran and Rasalhagean volunteers remained behind and set about exploring the immediate stellar community around Gunne’s World. Some headed coreward, investigating a salient of stars that pointed back to their homelands. The Federated Suns section charged up and headed spinward after D’Avion, following the man they felt they had the closest bond to.

    By the 3rd of February 2792 Eric D’Avion, now finally understanding the scope of what he had accomplished, found a planet to settle on and establish a new base of operations from which he and his advisors, with the help of the colonists themselves, would organise the exploration and further development of the Royalist Star Cluster. A relatively dry world with abundant plant life, Oxfordshire was chosen as the capital of the new Royalist Free Worlds and work immediately began on the planet’s first settlement, built high up on a cool plateau overlooking the planet’s vast southern ocean. News filtered back of more successful efforts across the Star Cluster as planets and systems were named and people began to erect their geodesic domes. Via the “communications hub” on Gunne’s World, Eric D’Avion sent out word of the nation’s new name and its new capital. Spurred on by hope and frontier spirit, colonists spread out across the Cluster, expanding the borders of the Royalist Free Worlds with each fresh plot settled and each unspoilt world claimed for freedom from the Succession War.

The Boom Era

    Most of the planets within the Royalist Star Cluster with at least a partially Terran atmosphere were colonised between the years 2793 and 2818. Villages sprung up across planets, and these hamlets soon developed into bustling towns as more people fled from the growing conflict in the Inner Sphere to a new life in the Royalist Free Worlds. Amongst this new wave of refugees were more renegade military units and several industrial pioneers, who immediately saw the possibilities for development in the more inhospitable parts of the Free Worlds. Numerous scientists also fled the Succession War for the Royalist Free Worlds, bringing with them their research teams and in many cases their equipment. These educated men and women settled on and around the Capital planet, enjoying the pleasant surroundings of worlds such as Cambridgeshire and Warwickshire.

    The larger towns turned into small cities over time and every planet quickly found its niche in this “promised land” they had made for themselves. The Cappellan and Kuritan colonists being hard-working and pragmatic began to exploit the harsher worlds they had settled on, producing raw materials for the development of the rest of the Royalist Free Worlds. The FWL settled planets were found to be ideal for the growing of crops and so farms and greenhouses spread over the surface of worlds like Sharpe’s Desire and Marathon. The Lyran sector around Gunne’s World remained in contact with the rest of the Inner Sphere and became increasingly important as more refugees poured into the Free Worlds, bringing with them lurid tales of the war that was tearing the Sphere apart. The population swelled dramatically. Food and housing manufacture was stepped up and skilled architects and city planners became important as every planet was built up to support the burgeoning number of people.

    In an effort to prevent the formation of cultural microcosms that would promote racial hatred so prevalent in the Inner Sphere, an ailing Eric D’Avion encouraged people to migrate throughout the Star Cluster, regardless of their creed. Going was slow at first but eventually the population of the Royalist Free Worlds began to mingle. Former Davions worked alongside ex-Liao colonists in the mines of Novo Muscova and FWL personnel shook hands with ex-Lyran citizens on Fife, turning to face the task of engineering a whole new society. They were longer identified as colonists, nor by their birthplace. All the peoples of the Free Worlds were united as Royalists, brought together under one banner.

The Peace Corp and the Constitution

    Unfortunately on the 13th of January 2819 Eric Lyon D’Avion, the figure-head of the Royalist Free Worlds, lost his battle with lung cancer. The population were greatly distressed at the loss of the man that had led them from the horrors of the Inner Sphere to their new home.

    Jennifer MacIntosh, Eric D’Avion’s niece, took charge of the Leadership on Oxfordshire, well aware of the cracks that were appearing in the cultural fabric of the Free Worlds following her uncle’s death. Although Jennifer was a clever woman and just as much of a visionary as Eric D’Avion she lacked the former Leader’s charisma and charm. Needing a way to keep order amongst the colonies, MacIntosh called all former military units to trade their plough-shares into swords once more. 16 regiments hailing from across the Inner Sphere regrouped and met on Oxfordshire. There on the 8th of March 2819 these military sections swore an oath to place all former loyalties and enmities behind them, promising to serve the Royalist Free Worlds and specifically the Leadership in the capacity as the Royalist Peace Corps. Divided into Divisions, the RPC spread out across the Free Worlds to garrison the new colonies, showing the populace that if former warring armies could unite and work as one then surely civilians can as well.

    Following a series of repelled raids on Royalist assets by the Circuinius Federation the Royalists saw the cohesion and camaraderie of the RPC and rallied behind Jennifer MacIntosh as they had her uncle.

    With the support of the nation once again behind its leader, MacIntosh set about drafting a new constitution by which the Royalist Free Worlds, or as it was re-named, the ROYALIST ALLIANCE would be governed. This constitution would protect the rights of every Royalist citizen and also set out the new government workings of the State. Envisioned as a parliamentary democracy, every planet would have an elected governor representing its people. The parliament was to be run by one person, an elected Prime Minister, who would be the chief statesman and decision maker for the Alliance.

    It would take a few years to iron out all the creases in the constitution, but by 2823 the Royalist Alliance had its first Prime Minister, Reginald Parker. Flanked by planetary and regional governors the new administration of the Alliance began amidst great public acclaim for the parliament. With the roots of a great nation in place and the reigns of power now firmly in the hands of the Prime Ministers office, Jennifer MacIntosh retired from her now defunct position as the Leader of the Colonisation Council and left Oxfordshire for the quiet world of Hector’s Tear to raise Tharkadian Llamas.

    At the beginning of Parker’s first term as Prime Minister the major colonisation efforts had ceased. With a defending force to protect them and a new government in which they actually had a say, people set about improving what they had. Cities grew larger, farms spread out further, mines churned out more and the first factories to be built began to produce consumer goods. The Royalist Alliance was becoming self-sufficient remarkably quickly. Amongst a raft of new legislation being announced by the government was a call for research teams to re-commence their work. Mostly this was to develop new civilian technologies but a large group of former military scientists based on Cuxhaven in the Gunne’s World district, now named the League Pact, made a breakthrough when in 2825 they deciphered the information carried within the Succession Memory Core. The government fell upon the information with gusto and the formation of the Alliance’s first military contractor in 2826, Warhammer Battleworks, ensured that the Royalist Alliance would remain in possession of Star League era technologies for the future.

    Reginald Parker was declared “the saviour of the Royalist Alliance” as the population enjoyed a period of great expansion under Parker’s guidance. He served 3 terms in office and then stood down, opening his position to Julian Brandt, the next elected Prime Minister. Aware that the Alliance needed a figure-head to replace the image of Eric Lyon D’Avion in the nation’s consciousness, Brandt declared Samuel Gregor D’Avion – a decorated military commander and a great proponent of the Royalist Peace Corp – the first in what would become a long line of administrative monarchs, labelled Czars and Czarinas. A charismatic leader and a veteran of numerous skirmishes against pirate raiders, Samuel D’Avion could sway the populace any direction he chose, mostly to the whim of the parliament whom he backed completely. Royalists regarded their nation as House D’Avion – bearing of course no relation to House Davion, the Federated Suns.

Golden Years

    The years 2833 to 2876 were yet another golden period in the Alliance’s history. A new effort was put into further developing the more inhospitable parts of the Royalist Star Cluster, partly driven by industrialists like Arthur Hale and Germaine Olsen who saw the untapped wealth within systems that were difficult to build up, Farpoint Sector and Black Isle, a beautiful yet poisonous planet, being good examples. Most notably the Kamchatkan Rift became hot property for numerous new industrial concerns, chiefly weapons manufacture and chemical production, the products of which were sold to the States of the Inner Sphere to feed their voracious armies. This all provided a major boost to the Alliance’s economy.

    New companies advertised for Royalist citizens to migrate to those largely unpopulated systems to work for high pay and high adventure. Thousands moved into the Kamchatkan Rift and the Odysseus’ Reaches to work on planets and from space-borne facilities. However, red flags were raised due to rumours of slave labour and unbearable working conditions. The government was quick to respond and Prime Minister at the time Janet McRae authorised the deployment of two full RPC divisions to perform assessments. Thankfully all but one company were found to be delivering on their promises of a good life on the edge of the Alliance and most workers were quite surprised to see DropShips descending onto their bio-domes. The Rostok Space Salvage Corporation, however, was found to be abusing its workforce, causing numerous deaths from disease and poor equipment. The RPC freed the people and CEO Robert Lazarus was put on trial for crimes against humanity. In a very short trial, during which Lazarus remained unapologetic, he was found guilty of crimes against humanity and was sentenced to life imprisonment in a moderate security prison on Cottingham. Many of his victims, lured to Rostok by the promises of excellent working conditions and pay, are outraged at the courts decision and desire to see him executed. Prime Minister McRae diffuses the public dismay by invoking an old saying, “If it is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, the world will become blind and toothless.” The Salvage Corporation is placed under government control and becomes a publicly run body.

    It was at this time that several small Star League outposts were discovered during the development of numerous worlds barely touched by the first colonisation missions. The contents of these facilities were quickly shipped to Cuxhaven where they were analysed by Warhammer Battleworks researchers. It was these Star League bases, dotted across the Royalist Alliance that would form the command network for the future Royalist Alliance Armed Forces.

    While accurate surveys of the Farpoint Sector and Shattered Worlds systems were being undertaken the remains of two derelict WarShip fleets were discovered, shielded from previous scans by belts of dense, low-level radiation from their damaged Kearny-Fuchida Drives. Rostok Space Salvage were called in to investigate the derelicts more thoroughly. Thought to have been abandoned for unknown reasons during the Amaris Uprising, data within the Succession Memory Core enabled technicians to repair the vessels drive systems for transit to the Kamchatkan Rift, where shipyards stood ready to rebuild the aging titans. After being restored to full functionality these vessels were partnered with a flotilla of JumpShips, thus forming the core of the Royal Navy.

The Colony Wars

    The curse of all democracies is that it only takes one poor politician to be elected to set a society back decades. Such was the case when in the May Elections of 2890 Tennyson Galbraith was placed into the Prime Ministers office. It was hoped that his appointment would usher in a second boom period but it only ushered in a period of chaos and torment for the Royalist Alliance.

    A true megalomaniac at heart, the first year of Galbraith’s term in office masked his true motives. Putting in place some radical new legislation which highlighted the fact that he was actually a capable and, when he chose to be, level headed politician. For a time the people of the Alliance thought they had made a good decision, but they were wrong.

    It was at the start of the second year of Galbraith’s Prime Ministership that the first cracks in his moderate façade appeared. Using his influence he managed to get a lot of his close supporters into power alongside him. With the Cabinet and much of the Lower House full of those who would not oppose him Galbraith unleashed his true agenda.

    A man with warped views of what the Royalist Alliance should be, Galbraith started to put into place policies that discriminated against Asian and Germanic ethnic groups. Children who came from families with Kuritan ancestry were not allowed to enter comprehensive schools, with the only other alternatives being private or home schooling, or no schooling at all. Those who’s families originated from the Lyran Alliance or House Kurita’s District of Rasalhague found it nearly impossible to find employment in skilled jobs, with manual labour the order of the day for these “cretins” as Galbraith labelled them. And so it continued.

    As the discrimination against these social groups increased the population of the Alliance became split. Most people with Davion or Marik heritage listened to Galbraith’s ramblings and had a tendency to agree with him...





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