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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

Miscellaneous Items

National Slang: sound like a royalist!

The Houses                   the Houses of Parliament

Red-Tape                      also the Houses of Parliament (militarily the Royal Quartermaster Corps)

‘Round the Houses        when a piece of legislation has been bandied about the Government for a long time

House Call                    when the Military Chiefs of Staff (Commander and his Liaisons) are recalled to Oxford City

Shack                           the Lower House

Palace                           the Higher House

Follow Thy Leader        when the Cabinet aligns itself completely with the Prime Minister on a certain issue

Prime Number               the Prime Minister

Foreign Aid Case          derogatory slang for the Prime Minister if supporting another State’s leader over the will of his         own people

Catie                             pronounced “kay-tee”, an alternative name for the Coreward Alliance Treaty Organisation            (CATO) or simply Coreward Alliance; not to be confused with Royalist Alliance!  

Ant                               a foot-soldier

Worker Ant                   technician, mechanic or medic

Non-Corporeal Oddity  an NCO who leads soldiers into danger then gets killed

Suit                              a high ranking army official

Hatchet-Man                 a representative from the War Department or Quartermaster Corps making inspections

Scrapper                       technician specialising in salvage operations

Scrap Magic                 the renovation of a machine deemed to have sustained irreparable damage; this is mostly               associated with Master Techs

Metal Medic                  technician or a mechanic who attempts to repair units during combat

Rubber Bullets              under-powered guns used for training; alternatively Units assigned to Riot Control Duty

Keystone Cops              derogatory term for the Royal Peace Force

Hard Case                    a highly-skilled MechWarrior, often applied to old Commanders who enjoy treating their men            like boot-camp rejects

High Roller                   a MechWarrior

Glory Boy                      a MechWarrior

Neo-Knight                   a MechWarrior, often attributed to those ‘Warriors who have titles such as Sir or Madam

Jockey                          an Aerospace pilot (the term Aerojock is often passed over for Jockey, or simply Jock)

Flock of Jockeys            an Aerospace squadron

Tough Bird                   a long-lived Aerospace pilot; in Naval terms a rugged and mythically reliable vessel

Dettori                          an ace Aerospace pilot

Dead Baron                  an Aerospace pilot who gains notoriety for excellence during training but fails during actual            combat

Cooked                         lost or helpless; as in “We’re cooked!”

Cooked Goose              an undefended or easily taken target, also known as “being on a platter”

Served                          defeated

Cock-Up                       a mistake

Map Reading 101        Officer Training

Arrogance-R-Us            the Cuxhaven Grenadiers

Shambles                     the 1st and 2nd Volkspanzer Jaegers

Minute Men                  Local Defence Volunteers – usually formed to guard a certain low priority target they are quickly         built up and just as quickly disbanded

Panama’s Bandits        the Marathon Industries Defence Battalion (officially MIDB, pronounced “my-dub”), mostly         comprised of highly temperamental prototype machines and excitable test pilots

Tin Can                        a tank or similar ground vehicle, often attributed to Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs)

Canners                        tank crew

Canned Goods              infantry delivered via APC transport; alternatively a term used to describe battle-armoured            infantry

Hell’s Angels                 mechanised infantry

Mufti                             civilian dress

Muftis                           high ranking technicians that aspire to shirk uniform regulations by wearing their own clothing      ensembles




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