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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

Miscellaneous Items

manufacturing capability


    The Royalist Alliance plays host to three powerful defence contractors.

    Warhammer Battleworks is by far the largest and most diverse. With factories and installations dotted all over the Alliance they design and produce BattleMechs, vehicles, battle-armour and with the recent take-over of Sukhoi Aerospace they are the only non-state run producer of WarShips and also produce a wide range of Aerospace craft. Warhammer’s headquarters are located on Cuxhaven, with proving grounds and low-gravity manufacturing and testing labs on Cuxhaven’s small satellite, Harwich. Needless to say, Warhammer funnels much of its best technology into the Cuxhaven Grenadiers as they are based on planet and are present as garrison most of the time. In return for watching over the Warhammer facilities the Grenadiers also receive free run of Warhammer’s advanced BattleMech testing grounds on Cottingham, Bocage and Hertfordshire. As well as Sukhoi, Warhammer has made numerous take-overs in the last past 130 years of its operation, the two major absorptions alongside the many small concerns being MilTech Advanced and Archer Systems, the design house behind the famous Pilum AA missile launcher.

    Marathon Industries of the Odysseus’ Reaches Region has always been said to be government run affair, but this is far from the truth. Although the CEO, Duke of Marathon Sir Rupert Canalle (nick-named Panama), would deny any loyalties bar to the company and his homeland. In actual fact, Marathon Industries and indeed the entire region has got an ostensibly monarchist ideology. However, rumours that the Duke is expanding his battalion secretly in a bid to overthrow the Parliament and place the Czar in firm control of the Royalist Alliance is nothing more than idle conjecture. At any rate, Marathon Industries is a money making organisation first and foremost. Known for undergoing far more delicate research and development than Warhammer Battleworks, partly driven by Duke Canalle’s eccentricity, Marathon was the first to fully master the power of the quantum particle, producing in 3061 the very first Tachyon Cannon (Improved PPC). The Duke uses funds from local and foreign sales to maintain a battalion of prototype BattleMechs which are frequently pulled in for retrofits. “Panama’s Bandits” are regarded as crazy fools by most other MechWarriors. An army of test pilots they are shameless show-boaters to a man and although they rate highly in war-games on the Marathon Proving Grounds it is doubtful that the Marathon Industries Defence Battalion (MIDB) would retain any unit cohesion in an actual combat situation. This combined with the Duke’s quiet love for his country are major reasons why a revolution is most likely not being planned in the Duchy of Marathon.

    Lastly, JenCorp Armaments is the Royalist Alliance’s largest producer of weapon components – laser mediums, PPC capacitors, etcetera – and ammunition, providing more than enough to supply the growing need of the Armed Forces. A subsidiary of JenCorp Intergalactic, JC Arms also produces armour, internal structure and different mechanical parts for a wide variety of combat and civilian vehicles, mostly BattleMech actuators and myomer. JenCorp Intergalactic operates chiefly out of the Kamchatkan Rift, with numerous zero-G facilities in orbit of Black Isle and a massive headquarters complex on Chichi Jima. JenCorp CEO Jenny Hale is a staunch supporter of the Volkspanzer Jaegers, the battered underdogs of the RAAF. As such not only does she offer up equipment destined to the 1st and 2nd Jaegers at vastly reduced prices, she also uses her considerable political sway to ensure that her regiments get all the assistance they need. Although JenCorp, as a components manufacturer lacks its own testing grounds, the company is extremely rich and Hale routinely purchases range time from Marathon Industries, Warhammer Battleworks and, most surprisingly, League War College to allow the Jaegers to train regularly, as the government would apparently rather pour time into its Royal Regiments. JenCorp strikes out further at the government by openly selling goods to the Lyran Commonwealth, a State which the Parliament views with distrust after the lessons learnt in the Steiner-Royalist War of 2939-45.

    There are too many civilian manufacturing firms in the Royalist Alliance to list here, the sale of non-military goods being the Alliance’s primary source of income. Most of note is the is a booming trade in high-performance racing Aerospace craft operating out of Odysseus’ Reaches with Mikoyan-Guerivich also moving into the military field with it’s MiG-31D “Banshee” heavy interceptor. Finally there are several civilian ship-yards and manufacturing stations, mostly in orbit around Oxfordshire, Lincolnshire, Fife and Tankograd.




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