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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

Miscellaneous Items

Military Details


Commander in Chief: Prince Maxwell “Deuce” D’Avion

Army Liaison: Alliance Marshall Theodore Kenyon

Royal Flying Corp Liaison: Air Chief Marshall George McArthur Rowe

Royal Navy Liaison: CNO, Admiral of the Fleet Benjamin Osaka

Regular Strength:        12 BattleMech Regiments [6 Armies – 3,072 machines] + 2 Battalions [128 machines]

            19 Armour Battalions [9.5 Brigades – 4,874 machines]

            17 Infantry Divisions [4.25 Armies – 121,856 men]

            12 Aerospace squadrons [1.33 Groups – 336 aircraft] + 1 Training Squadron [28 aircraft]

Mercenary Strength:  2 BattleMech Battalions [128 machines] + 2 BattleMech Star [10 machines]

    The Royalist Alliance Armed Forces (or RAAF) consists of three different combat arms. The Royal Army includes all BattleMech, infantry and armour units and therefore all combined arms regiments (Regimental Combat Teams) fall under the purview of the Army – this includes attached Aerospace assets. The Royal Flying Corps (or RFC) operates the Royalist Alliance’s Aerospace squadrons and naval aviation sections. The Royal Navy operates all of the Alliance’s WarShips, combat DropShips and military JumpShips. All these evolved from the original Royalist Peace Corps, established soon after colonisation efforts began to keep order amongst the colonies. This still exists today in its modern guise as the Royal Peace Force, the Alliance’s inter-stellar policing unit. Some would question the RPF battalion’s usefulness, but there is no doubt that the Rangers are a fanatical fighting force and add a sense of security to any system in which they have a presence.

    As a matter of interest, it should be pointed out that two phonetic alphabets are used in the RAAF. The RA, RFC and RPF favour the post-1956 NATO alphabet (alpha, bravo…) whilst the RN uses, and actively encourages its aviation sections to adopt, the pre-1956 American system (able, baker…). Battle rages between the Military Chiefs of Staff over which phonetic alphabet to adopt overall, and with neither the ground-pounders or the Admiralty willing to budge on the matter the two systems will no doubt remain in conflict for the foreseeable future.

    The Armed Force’s men and materials are placed under the control of a series of administrative Corps which are listed here: -

    Taking a leaf from the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns the heart of the Royalist Alliance’s combined arms doctrine lies in the RAAF’s use of the Regimental Combat Team, or RCT. Only a handful of units are classed as RCTs due to the prohibitive cost (both in material and administration) of forming such a fighting force. The bulk of the Army work as stand-alone regiments, occasionally being granted armour, infantry or Aerospace support. A standard Royalist RCT consists of one BattleMech regiment, two armour battalions (traditionally one heavy and one light), an infantry division (which may or may not include a battle-armour/spec-ops section) and one Aerospace squadron. It is important to note that armour, infantry and Aerospace assets are completely organic to the RCT. Often, armour battalions come with a cavalry section which operates VTOL craft. Further, some infantry divisions operate with a special section, be it battle-armour, paratroops or marines.

Force listings accurate as of 3062: -

BattleMech Units: -


The Blues and Royals

Czar's Palace Guard

[2 BattleMech Regt.]

(CO: Marshall Sir Colin Piotr Saville-D'Avion)

Royal Oxfordshire Regiment RCT

"The Green Jackets"

[1 BattleMech Regt., 2 Armour Bn., 1 Infantry Div., 1 AeroSpace Sqdn.]

(CO: General Sigmund Goodale)

Royal Lincolnshire Regiment RCT

"The Yellow Jackets"

[1 BattleTech Regt., 2 Armour Bn., 1 Infantry Div., 1 AeroSpace Sqdn.]

(CO: Brigadier-General Madam Katrina Ragnvald)

Cuxhaven Grenadiers

"Whispering Death"

[2 BattleMech Regt.]

(CO: Brigadier Samuel "Ten-Ton" Tunnecliffe)

Enniskillen Assault Brigade RCT

"Saint Pat's Leprechauns"

[2 BattleMech Regt., 3 Armour Bn., 1 Infantry Div., 1 AeroSpace Sqdn.]

(CO: Brigadier-General Patrick "Four-Leaf" O'Shannachan)

1st Volkspanzer Jaegers

"The People's Army"

[1 BattleMech Regt., I Infantry Div.]

(CO: Colonel Werner von Hartwig)

2nd Volkspanzer Jaegers

"The Mighty Mice"

[1 BattleMech Regt.]

(CO: Colonel Hans Ferrier)

1st Kamchatkan Ice Devils

"The Siberian Tigers"

[2 BattleMech Regt.]

(CO: Colonel Sir Dmitri Shen Ivanov)

Novo Muscova
Training Battalion (League War College)

"Eager to Learn"

[1 BattleMech Bn.]

(CO: Brigadier Petros "Sabre" Gaunt)

Liege Falls
Marathon Industries Defence Battalion

"Panama's Bandits"

[1 BattleMech Bn.]

(CO: Duke of Marathon, Sir Rupert "Panama" Canalle)

Lighthouse Church Irregulars

*Mercenary Unit*

"Jesus Saves; so does CASE"

[1 BattleMech SBn.]

(CO: Colonel Nadalie "Sweet'n'low" Sandhu-Crane)

Dixie V
Biggles' Bombardiers

*Mercenary Unit*

"Ad Absurdum" - "To the Point of Absurdity"

[1 BattleMech SBn.]

(CO: Colonel James "Biggles" Bigglewade)

Gunne's World
The Pale Horse Mercenaries

*Mercenary Unit*

"Not Your Everyday Heroes for Hire!"

[2 BattleMech Stars]

(CO: Commander William "Pale-Horse" Dibble) 


Note: Elements in square-brackets detail a Unit’s exact composition.

   The complete force listings contain a lot of data. The above list the most important units (BattleMechs) and their attached support units. For more in depth information, please click the respective link: -


    Certain units have been bloodied in recent skirmishes with the Circuinius Federation, namely the Royal Lincolnshire Regiment, the 1st Volkspanzer Jaegers and Biggles’ Bombardiers. It is testament to their little recognised pluck that the Jaegers received the lightest damage, losing only a company of BattleMechs and medium weight tanks. The "great" Yellow Jackets, on the other hand, were taken apart, losing a third of their combat capability in men and equipment.




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