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The Royalist Alliance

Warhammer Independent

Miscellaneous Items



    The Royalist Alliance has for a long time not produced any of its own vessels, instead putting money towards purchasing WarShips from allies like the Outer Colonies and renovating old Star League era boats, many of which were found derelict in fringe systems, Shattered Worlds being the most famous “bone-yard”. Data from the Succession Memory Core allowed Royalist shipyards to rebuild these ships to their former status. This trend is turning, however, with the laying down of plans for the massive Battlestar-class super-carrier, capable of carrying four squadrons of Aerospace fighters.

    Construction of the first of these mighty ships, the HMS Alliance, is due to be completed by the end of September 3063 at the Ildis and Connors Naval Yards, Cuxhaven orbit.

    Due to the slow military rebuilding effort after the 2nd Colony Wars, further compounded by the splitting of the Royalist Peace Corp Divisions into separate regiments, the overall security of the Alliance was firmly in the hands of the Royal Navy between 2912 and 2977. The Navy quickly gained a good reputation amongst the populace of the Alliance, and it is still naval personnel who are idolised over other servicemen, even MechWarriors.

Royal Navy force listings: -

Able Fleet (home region: Coreward Alliance Treaty Organisation)

    HMS Bismarck, Warrior-class Battleship – Flagship of the Royal Navy

    HMS Czar, Nemesis-class Heavy Cruiser

    HMS Nimrod, Vincent Mark 42-class Corvette

    HMS Telemachus, BugEye-class Covert Ops Vessel

    HMS Sesame, Volga-class Transport


Baker Fleet (home region: League Pact)

    HMS Saint Valentine, Cameron II-class Battlecruiser

    HMS Thunderer, Aegis-class Heavy Cruiser

    HMS Nelson, Avatar-class Cruiser

    HMS Phoebe, Volga-class Transport


Charlie Fleet (home region: Neue Africa)

    HMS Renown, Monsoon-class Battleship

    HMS Iapatus, Volga-class Transport


Dog Fleet (home region: Kamchatkan Rift)

    HMS Warspite, Sovietskii Soyuz-class Heavy Cruiser

    HMS Rhea, Volga-class Transport

    HMS Sturgeon, Volga-class Transport


Easy Fleet (home region: Odysseus’ Reaches)

    HMS Cassandra, Typhoon-class Battleship

    HMS Midway, Lola III-class Destroyer

    HMS Warwick, Vincent Mark 42-class Corvette

Royal Peace Force Shipping

   RPFS Glow-worm, Congress-class Frigate

    RPFS Rocket, Congress -class Frigate

    RPFS Sea-lion, Vincent Mark 39-class Corvette

    RPFS Caroline, Vincent Mark 39-class Corvette


    The Royal Navy operates a flotilla of combat DropShips too numerous to specifically list here.

As a footnote the Armed Mercantile League is a non-military concern equipped with combat capable vessels, mostly used to protect high-value shipments. Occasionally ships from the AML are called into active naval service but this has not happened for over 70 years now. The most the AML ships are required to do now is, aside from their own business of course, to provide Command Circuits for rapidly moving regiments and politicians. The League is paid well for this service.




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