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Custom 'Mechs, cool links, artwork, modelling and Royalist propaganda!

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26/04/2006 - 0022 hours ZULU

The site has had a little upgrade. I've made it easier to view the force listings thanks to some minor visual changes. 

I've also removed the Warhammer Independent section because I can't put any more designs up at the moment, and at this time I'm wanting the Firebase to become more Royalist Alliance centric. When I've redesigned the pages and got a nice raft of new machines to put up the Designs section will be reopened.

Also, to my surprise, the Field Manual and the Royalist Alliance as a faction have met with great acclaim, prompting one person to say that it reads like canon BattleTech. As such I'm announcing HISTORICALS: Battlefield 2939: - 

This sourcebook will accompany Field Manual: Royalist Alliance with background on the Lyro-Royalist War, fought between the Lyran Alliance and the Royalist Alliance in protracted conflict lasting 5 years. Battlefield 2939 will include a history of the War, including Operations: 'Port of Call' and 'Crystal Palace', as well as scenario packs for the Lyran or Royalist player, a run down of every unit involved in the conflict, and rules for a short campaign to experience the bloodiest portion of the War; the liberation of Tobruk.


19/04/2006 - 1900 hours ZULU

Since I finally remembered the password to my site files this place has had a major overhaul. Well, one section has at least...

Now every part of Field Manual: Royalist Alliance that I have so far written is had been uploaded to this site. I hope you find the data as interesting as it was for me to write it.

Over the next couple of days I hope to do up the rest of the site. Misc data will be done first as corrupted Heavy Metal files mean I cannot upload design data, but hopefully I will have this fixed soon.



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This site is maintained by James 'Biggles' Taplin. With thanks to Dimitri 'The Warden' Kerensky, JA Baker, DyreWolfe and all others who contributed in any way to this site! Thank you!



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