Chapter 2: RAM defines random access memory as ‘the working memory in a computer.’ The RAM chip allows the computer to process a larger amount of information at one given time. This has a profound effect on increasing the processing speed of the motherboard and the overall system performance.
The definition of random access memory on is ‘memory that allows your computer to run programs and continue operations in a relatively quick manner.’ The central processing unit uses RAM to store arithmetic functions and calculations along with saved information, and can retrieve this information at a very fast pace. Computers cannot function without a RAM chip installed into the PCI slot on the motherboard.
This website describes RAM as a form of computer data storage in the form of an integrated circuit board that allows the memory to access data to in any order. DRAM is different in the way it accesses data by reading the stored information in bursts rather than randomly. Most other RAM styles of memory chips retrieve stored information in a ‘random access’ fashion.