First, you need to know the information you want to absorb. This is really important. The idea is to know what you want from what you read. For example, before reading a document, you must know what information you want from that document. Do you want all the information you can get or you just want an outline? Do you want to fully understand every portion of the document or just the general subject? Some documents are very detailed and excessive. You must learn how to skim those documents and keep only what is important to you. Ask yourself the two questions above before reading any document and you are well on your way to increase your reading speed.
Next, you must take some time to observe your eye muscles. Watch how your muscles react when you read this text. You will find out that you are not reading word by word but you are actually fixing your eyes on blocks of text. You go from one block of text to the next. If you don’t fully understand something, you will find yourself going to a previous block of text. If you are like most people this is the way you read. Try it and see how your eye muscles react. If you are an experienced reader you probably read a lot of words in every block and will not go back to a previous block of text often. The amount of time you spend on each block is small. If you are a poor reader your blocks of text will contain a small number of words and you will go back to previous blocks often. It will also take you more time to move from one block of text to the next.
It may sound difficult but is in fact very easy. All you need is a few minutes of practice every day. Try it here. Try to expand your blocks of text, try reading an entire line or two lines! Then try to reduce the time you spend reading each block. Push yourself to grab that line of text quicker. Have confidence. Finally, in order to reduce the times you go back to a previous block you can use the following technique. Imagine there is a cursor or a symbol inside the text and it moves along with your eyes but just a little bit faster. Imagine your eyes smoothly following that symbol. If you learn how to move the symbol fast then you’re done. No more skip backs and your reading speed will be doubled to say the least.
These tips will help you to study more effectively!
But, you must remember that you should discover how to develop a great reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension skills are important for everyone, whether for a student or professional. To be able to comprehend what you read makes it easy to grasp the thought of the subject you are reading. Reading without comprehension or poor in comprehension is a waste of time and energy as there is no learning.
If you are able to comprehend what you read you have constructed a meaning from the text by decoding the words the writer used and by using your background knowledge in making an understanding of the message the writer wants to convey to his readers.
When it comes to studying, students need the comprehension skills in order to understand their subjects. Comprehension is not contained within literature and English subject. It is also applied to all subjects. For example, in understanding the lessons in Science, the students should understand the textbooks he or she is reading.
Even in Mathematics, reading comprehension is very important in order to solve the problem. Without comprehension, you may not understand the problem, and thus, you cannot give the correct answer. Logic too needs comprehension in order to understand the relationships established in the problem.
If your child has difficulty in reading comprehension or comprehension for that matter, he or she may be lagging behind her studies. In order for you to help your child improve the comprehension skills, you may need to extend your assistance.
Comprehension needs motivation, concentration, good study habits and mental frameworks for holding ideas.
There are many tips to improve your child’s comprehension skills. You can help the child develop a broad background, know the structure of paragraphs, identify the type of reasoning used, anticipate and predict, build a vocabulary, and create motivation and interest.
One way of developing a broad background is by becoming a wide reader. This means that you should read many reading materials such as newspapers, books and magazines. It means you should be aware of world events.
The basic structures of paragraphs are introduction, body and conclusion. Generally, the first two sentences are crucial as they give an overview of the whole concept of the paragraph as a whole. You may also look for transitional phrases, words and paragraphs that change the topic of the whole reading material.
A few of the reasoning types that are used by writers include the model building, system thinking, induction or deduction, cause and effect, and hypothesis.
Some smart readers are good at predicting or anticipating what the writer wants to convey to his readers. If their perception is right, the reading may reinforce the comprehension. If not, it may make adjustments.
Building a good vocabulary is very helpful as your child would certainly encounter different words that are uncommon in his level. If the child reads newspapers, he or she is introduced to words that are not readily available in his or her textbooks. The child may also learn jargons and terms.
Of course, in order for your child to develop reading comprehension skills, her or his interest must be invoked. This can be done by discussing the subject with classmates, parents or by asking questions.