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My Angel Page

This page will be dedicated to all the angels in my life.
In rememberance of my father, Duane Loomis who left us last June, after a long battle with lung cancer. I miss him very much, he will always be in my heart.
Also to all the friends I lost last year, James (Bob) Bond, my employer and my friend, who taught me so much about running a business, and had faith in me to allow me to do so. For Alesha Colosky, who's life was cut way too short, will always remember her as our little tomboy. We miss you very much.
I am interested in any kind of angels or angel stories, if there are any links you would like to add to my pages, please feel free to let me know, am interested in them for my own personal use also. Looking for graphics of angels, if anyone can refer me to any, please do. View and Sign my Guestbook

My Favorite Angel Links

Seraphim Angels
angel info
my sisters homepage


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