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My Outdoor Page

Outdoor Favorites

I love the outdoors, walking through the woods, no matter what the weather. Nothing better than the sound of rain on the roof of a tent while camping, miles from anyone and anything. I love campfires on a cool evening. Nothing beats the peacefulness of a nice walk on a quiet trail with nobody else around for miles. The only sound is that of the wind in the trees, and the wildlife hiding around you.

In the wintertime, my favorite outdoor activity is to watch the dog sled activities, racing, weight pulling and etc... We raise Siberian Huskies and have just bought our own sled a couple of years ago. Although we haven't had the chance to get out as much as we would like to, we know that someday we will. Our dogs are like our second family, they each have their own personality and we love each one differently yet not one more than the next.

In the springtime I love to go rollerblading, and also spend a lot of time in the woods hunting for morel mushrooms. I would have to say that spring is my favorite season. Especially living in Michigan, it is the season of rebirth, where everything comes back to life after a long winter's sleep. I love to watch the buds begin to form on the trees, and the sounds of the birds as they come back to the area to have their young. The sounds of the water moving faster on the rivers after the ice has come off, are all the sounds of new beginnings.

I love the wildlife, where we live we have a chance to see all sorts of animals, from wild turkeys and deer, to baby racoons, rabbits, and etc... While out picking mushrooms in the spring have ran into woodcocks nesting and baby fawns.

And no, we don't have any ostrich's in Michigan, wish we did. I just fell in love with him. UPDATE! A note to add, had an email message, that informed us that we do have ostrich's in Michigan. =) Some folks in Nashville Michigan raise them, can't wait to go see them!

Want to know the weather for this area

Lansing, Michigan

Thanks Sassenach for your beautiful award

My Favorite Links

Please be patient, as we find more links for dog sledding, and other dog activities.
Mushing Magazine
Info on dog sledding.


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