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My Awards & Inspiration

Thanks mom for nominating me for this award,
and thanks Penny for thinking me deserving.

Thanks for your award Mystery Angel

Thanks Vixen for the beautiful award

Thanks so much Beckie and Tina who sent me this award from Touch of Heaven, feel honored, you have such a beautiful sight.

Thanks Tammy for your award, my first, and it was a great feeling.

Thanks so much for the award, was a great feeling coming from one of the top homepages in the sitefights. The Cat's Meow is also in the site fights and could use your vote in the Warzone.

Thank you DPatrol Tim for the spirit stick and the words of cheer.

Received this thanks for support in the site fights, have met so many new people, and have already established some great friends.

Thank you for the award Pat, always means so much to me. =)

Thanks to Deputy Bill for the banner you made me, love it.


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