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Welcome To Lizards Rock

Whats New On My Page? Updated 7-30-98

My Awards Page Has been updated. With 3 new awards! Please check them out. Want to vote my site? Then Please just click ---)

SNIN Friendly Award
I have now made my page Frames! 7-30-98 As you can see this page has not been changed in like forever. I have made a new page! Its not all done yet so I am not going to give yout he url to the new page. But thank you for coming here and please sign my guest book!!! I have made a page for some one that was so helpful to me awhile back. This person will never ever be forgotten in my heart. *hugs* The person im talking about is Gabby And she knows what she did. For those who would like to know how much i am thankfull, click here
Whats New on My page? Updated 7-30-98

Only Works on a Sega Saturn Netlink!
****Only Works on Sega Saturn Netlink!!****

Sign My G-Book! Read My G-Book!
Read Old G-Book!

Wanna see some wierd and funny stories that happend to smoe people? These stories are embarrasing and funny!!! Click here to read them.

There is a wav embeded in this page. If you are on a NetLink and not on the beta you wont hear it. If your not then click here to hear it. other wise let the wav load. Thank you!

I know i have 5 friends pages (still adding) But now i have a Shout Out page. This will have a list of names that are from my old school back in Las Vegas. That need to have a mention. They are all cool and you find them by clicking here.

Copyright ©
All rights reserved. All pictures on this page are copyrighted by: Douglas Littlefield For use of these pictures please e-mail the webmaster.

Copyright © 1996-1998