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Anne, Herself

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This is what a feminist looks like.

Adios Barbie: A body image site for every body. " is a one-stop body shop, where women and men of all cultures and sizes can learn about their bodies; feel proud and comfortable in their natural shapes, sizes, and colors; speak out against impossible beauty standards; and share their experiences. It serves as a place for social commentary on body issues, redefining what the body really means and encouraging people to think of themselves first when re-imagining their perceptions of beauty and power."


Bust: for women with something to get off their chests

ChickClick: Girl Sites That Don't Fake It.

ElectraPages: Run by the Women's Information Exchange, ElectraPages is a Directory of Women's Organizations.

Feminist Activist Resources on the Net: "This guide is particularly oriented toward connecting Feminists who are Activists to resources on the Internet which could be of use."

Feminist Women's Health Center: "We have a vision of a world where all women freely make their own decisions regarding their bodies, reproduction, and sexuality--a world where women can fulfill their own unique potential and live healthy whole lives."

Feminist Theory Website: "The Feminist Theory Website provides research materials and information for students, activists, and scholars interested in women's conditions and struggles around the world. The goals of this website are: 1) to encourage a wide range of research into feminist theory, and 2) to encourage dialogue between women (and men) from different countries around the world. Hopefully, this will result in new connections, new ideas, and new information about feminist theory and women's movements. The Feminist Theory Website has three parts: 1) various fields within feminist theory; 2) different national / ethnic feminisms; and 3) individual feminists. All of these parts are updated and expanded regularly." " is a grassroots, interactive community by, for and about women. We aim to facilitate information-sharing among women and encourage mobilization around political issues. promotes women's business development, supports women-friendly organizations, expands civic participation and encourages women's self-sufficiency. is a responsive community that offers resources for all women and provides a safe space for diverse dialogues." "The Feminist Majority and The Feminist Majority Foundation are committed to empowering women and winning equality through research, the sharing of information of value to feminists everywhere, and effective action." An awesome ezine created by feminist Bonnie Burton. " is the leading online community for teenage girls." " is a unique, interactive, creative space promoting and supporting female artists."

Ms. Foundation: "Supporting the efforts of women and girls to govern their own lives."

Ms. Magazine

NOW: The National Organization for Women

The Third WWWave: Feminism For the New Millennium: "We are a group of women who feel passionately about women's issues, and we decided to put up a site that would reflect the unique view of women's issues and feminism in the generation of women who came of age in the 80's."

Voxxy: "Voxxy believes...
...girls should be encouraged to speak out because what they believe and think is important. They deserve to be heard. Vox=Voice; XX=the female chromosome. Voxxy=giving girls a voice.
...with the popularity of girl websites, e-zines, chat rooms, etc., today's wired girl is ready for programming created just for her.
...television and the Internet are places not only for entertainment, but also for encouragement, motivation, inspiration & empowerment.
...girls can be and do anything they dream. Voxxy will expose them to mentors –female icons in all areas including entertainment, fashion, business, sports, politics, arts, etc."

WebGrrls: "Webgrrls International provides a forum for women in or interested in new media and technology to network, exchange job and business leads, form strategic alliances, mentor and teach, intern and learn the skills to help women succeed in an increasingly technical workplace and world."

Women Leaders Online: Women Leaders Online: Women Organizing for Change. "We're everyone who believes in equality for women."

WomensNet: WomensNet is one branch of IGC. IGC has "the vision to actively promote change toward a healthy society, one which is founded on principals of social justice, broadly shared economic opportunity, a robust democratic process, and sustainable environmental practices. We believe healthy societies rely fundamentally on respect for individual rights, the vitality of communities, and a celebration of diversity. The Mission of IGC is to advance the work of progressive organizations and individuals for peace, justice, economic opportunity, human rights, democracy and environmental sustainability through strategic use of online technologies."

Leslie's World O' Chicks: This personal site is "an eddy of estrogen in the vast sea of testosterone that is the Internet."

WWWomen: "The Premier Search Directory for Women Online."