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Chapter Thirty-Two
"Don't say it...Please?"


“Don’t I get to say goodbye?” I asked.

Mom turned back to me, sighing. “Quickly, please.”

My dad let out a short laugh. “My, aren’t we eager to leave.”

My mother looked at him but said nothing.

I walked over to where Zac, Taylor, and Isaac stood.

“Well, there, Zac,” I said, “I guess this is goodbye.”

He cocked an eyebrow at me. “You’re not gonna get all teary-eyed and sappy on me, are you?” he asked carefully.

I laughed. “Not a chance!” I insisted, smiling. I stepped foward and gave him a swift hug. “You’re a great guy, Zac.”

He grinned at me as I broke the embrace. “Oh, I know,” he said casually, shrugging. I laughed.

“Okay,” I said, walking over to Taylor. “Jordan.”

“Jackie,” he said.

I smiled at him and stepped in to give him a hug. He hugged me back. I really didn’t have anything to say to him, so I said the only thing that came to mind. “Be good.”

He laughed. “Yes, Mom,” he said sarcastically.

I stepped back from him, grinning. Then, turning to Isaac, I sighed. This was going to be the part I hated, I could feel it in my gut. I stepped close to him and gave him a hug. “Well,” I began softly. “Good-”

“Don’t say it,” he said, his tone equally quiet. “Please?”

I forced a smile. “Um . . . Yeah,” I said unsurely.

“This is really it, huh?” he asked. “You’re really going?”

I nodded against his shoulder. “Yeah. I am,” I agreed.

He sighed but said nothing. As we broke our embrace, he planted a soft, swift kiss on my cheek. I looked up at him and smiled. “Good-” I caught myself. “I’ll seeya.”

All Isaac did was nod.

I walked over to the front door, where parents, Lynnie, and Eve had all gathered. My mom twisted the doorknob and led the way outside. I turned and waved goodbye to Diana and Walker before stepping out the door. Dad, who was heading up the rear, was about to close the door behind us when I doubled back. “Ike,” I called, poking my head through the door. His downcast eyes snapped up to meet mine. “Call me sometime, okay?” Without waiting for a response, I pulled my head out of the door and closed it.

Isaac sighed as he wandered into his bedroom. Call her? he wondered. I don’t have her number . . .

He climbed up on his bed and did something like a dive into the mattress, his hands sliding under his pillows. A quick, sharp pain crossed his finger. “Damn,” he hissed, pulling his right hand out and examining it. A thin line of red was visible on his right pointer finger. A paper cut.

“Paper?” he grumbled. “When did I leave paper under here?” He reached his hand under the pillow once again and found the cut-culpret. It was a small piece of paper, folded in half to be even smaller. He unfolded it and was almost surprized to find something written on it.

It’s been such a great couple of days. This has made my
entire summer, you have no idea. To have gotten to know such a great guy, I am truly thankful. God, I sound like a greeting card, don’t I? One of those sappy ones? Anyway, I’ll never forget you . . . I’m sure you can’t say the same, but who knows? You might just surprize me.

~ Jaye

Below her name was a telephone number and address. Isaac sighed, folding the paper as it had been.

The Index
The Window Seat


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