Goal #1 Objective A

Objective A:
Without the use of the course text or class notes, the student will identify the definition of criminal investigation.

To begin the discussion about criminal investigation, the term "crime" should be defined.

crime -
An act committed or omitted in violation of a law forbidding or commanding it for which the possible penalties for an adult upon conviction include incarceration, for which a corporation can be penalized by fine or forfeit, or for which a juvenile can be adjudged delinquent or transferred to criminal court for prosecution.
Schmalleger, F.(1995)Criminal Justice Today, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall:New Jersey

It can then be concluded that a criminal is a person who commits a "crime."

What is an investigation?

investigation -
To observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry.
Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary(1979) G & C Merriam Co:Springfield, MA

This means that a criminal investigation can be defined as:
The systematic collection of information for identifying, apprehending, and convicting suspected offenders.

The collection of information must be systematic because there may be legal and/or scientific rules that must be followed in order for the information to be admissible into a court of law.

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