With sadness and regret, I wish to inform you that Elden Phillip Owens passed. He has been a friend and colleage, and will be dearly missed. His strength as a survivor has been inspiring for many, and his dedication to the elimination of sexual abuse was oustanding.
Matthew D. Rosenberg, MSW, CSW
This is a body of work that will appeal to both professionals and victims of abuse and assault. Part one of this manual deals with a very important and often overlooked area--male victimization. The manual delves into different aspects and areas of sexual abuse and assault, and how it affects the individual. It is the aim of the author to offer hope to everyone in their healing journey, after all, everyone deserves to heal from past, present, and future pain of abuse.
Mr. Rosenberg's comments regarding this work
From Victim to Survivor to Thriving to All in Between is a wonderfully planned and executed manual. The insights the author relates regarding abuse is fantastic and most beneficial. Also, the author lists numerous resources for the reader, and dispells many of the myths of sexual abuse. Most importantly, the author addresses male sexual victimization, and often overlooked area by professionals and researchers!
Consulting and supervision information
Understanding, Assessing, and Treating Sexual Offenders
Sexual Abuse Treatment, Research, Resource, and Referral