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WOO-HA!...a fan's perspective

Here is where the fans speak about the game, the players, the coaches, whatever! This page thrives on YOUR CONTIBUTIONS, so tell me how you feel. Tell me about a brush you had with a player, something you liked or disliked, your favorite moment of the 97 or 98 Stanley Cup championships, or even a response to someone else's statement. To contribute enter your comments in the submission form below, and then I will post your statements. It's as simple as that!
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-Random Comments-

"SOVIET was best on Hockey when it existed, therefore the Russian5 is the greatest five ever seen in Wings!" -Otto Svanberg, The Swedish Wings Page

"Nice page! By the way, you're not alone. I always thought Draper was pretty hot too!" -Tali, MI

"Red Wings rock....Shanny, and Malts are the best!" -Leah, The Original Kirk Maltby Page

"I think that the wings should have gotten a lot more out of the trade of Vernon. The man was the Stanley Cup Championship game MVP! Detroit will miss Vernie, and all we got in return was a few draft picks for the future. That really sucks." -Matt M. Pontiac, MI

"My team spirit will really decline if Sergei doesn't re-sign. I think that the Redwings organization are idiots if they let him go" -Samantha, Windsor, ONT.

"The wings are headed for a repeat!" -J, Florida

"Darren McCarty is my very favorite player, and he's a really cool guy too. I met him once when we were at restaurant, he was there too with his wife and son. I really like the information that you have on him and all of the pictures. Good Job." -Brett, Sterling Heights, MI

"I met Darren McCarty and I cried he was so nice to me I got my picture with him it was so great he is one of the nicest hockey players I've ever met." -Danelle Blazer, Saginaw, Mi

"The Wings just left Traverse City on Friday and we already miss them!!! They were here for their training camp and were just the nicest guys in the whole world. They seem very unaffected by their stature throughout the state of Michigan. Special thanks to Kirk Maltby and Marty LaPointe went out of their way to make my day!!!!!" -Emily Krueger. Traverse City, MI

"WOOHOOO!! just had to test out this thing, and say the game against calgary was absoltuy awesome!! my kinf ozzie had his 21st carreer shut out!!!! WOOOOHOOOO ozzie u da man!!! any fans wanna email me got ahead love meeting new wing fans...chris_osgood@hockeymail.com" -Kelly Osgood, Vancouver, BC.


What do you think the chances are of ANY team in the NHL (not just the Wings)
winning three Championships in a row in this era? Is talent too well-balanced throughout the league
for a dominant team? Do you think that the Wings have a chance to do it again?

Check out the responses!
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"The wings definately have a chance and the key is their relationship and how they all get along so well." -Danelle Blazer, Saginaw, MI

The Author's Editorial

I would love for the Wings to win again, but I think the talent is so well-spread throughout the league (especially throughout the Western Conference) that it is hard for ANY team to dominate for three straight years.


What do you think about the new All-Star Game format pitting the World NHL stars against
the North American NHL All-Stars? Does it encourage more pride in represntation during the game?
What do you think of the absence of Steve Yzerman as an All-Star?
Chck out the responses!
Click here to Submit answer.


"I think the absence of Steve Yzerman is a shame. He truly belongs in the All Star game." Ed McLean

"I liked the new setup. It made the game actually interesting this year! The absence of Yzerman is a shame, but that's how the voting works." -T.J., New Jersey.

"I can't believe Stevie wasn't included! He is obviously one of the most talented and dedicated players in the league- and of all time!" Keri, Brantford, Ont.

The Author's Editorial

"I loved the new All-Star format. I thought that the players played with a little more heart, and it was more exciting because it pitted some teamates against each other. I thought that Steve Yzerman should have been there, but it doesn't bother me too much because I know he'll be there again."


What do you think about the Colorado/Detroit rivlary? Do you think it is finally
put to rest? Are you tired of hearing about the hit on Kris Draper that started it all?

Chck out the responses!
Click here to Submit answer.


"I think the Avs/Wings rivlary is one of the best in hockey, It's like the Boston/Canadiens rivalry, except a lot more interesting. I'm a liitle tired of hearing about the hit on Draper, but it adds fuel to the fire, and helps to generate some interesting games. So in this fan's opinion, It's great!!" -Jon, Anchorage, AK

"I think that the Avs/Wings rivalry is the best part of hockey. It will probably never be over. I have every ticket almost to see the Wings/Avs games." - Jennifer

"Thanks to a certain #25, the infamous Lemieux Incident has been settled once and for all. Don't forget; besides the thorough thrashing of Claude the Clod that was administered (so freely!) by Mac, he also scored the OT game-winner in a March 26 matchup that shifted the momentum of the 1996-97 season. Okay, so many people don't condone violence in NHL hockey; however, I think that all are in favor of justice. In this case, justice has been served. Let this be a lesson to all would-be goons: Don't mess with our Wings, boys!" -Michelle Failing

"I don't think the rivary is over. There is more to the rivary than just the hit, there is the WFC thing that keeps it going. I don't think it will be over for a while. I hope it won't be over for a while." -Sabrina Northcutt

The Author's Editorial

"I think that the rivlary is far from being put to rest, this latest round with Claude and Darren just strengthend it, added more fuel to the flame. However, I am sick of hearing about the cheap shot on Kris Draper that started it all, because it has become so much more than just a cheap shot. I understand that it caused it all, but there is much more involved now."


Where were you when the Wings won the cup? What was your favorite cup-winning moment?
What did you do when that buzzer went off, and Stevie hoisted the cup?

Click here to Submit answer.


"I had a house full that night, 25-30 people here. I waited all my life to have a party like that, even if all that were here were not Red Wings fans. When the final buzzer went, I went down to my knees, but when Stevie picked up that cup, the tears began to fall, it was the best night of my life. Will never forge it as long as I live." -Darren

"When the wings won the cup I was having my gaduation party, when the buzzer went off i started to cry my eyes out i was so happy, it was the happiest moment i can remember!!! (the people at my party started to laugh at me, oh well. AND WHERE THE HELL IS SERGEI??????" -martha

"I was at my Aunt and Uncles Partying....I loved that "little" goal McCarty scored....When Stevie raised the cup I was lighting the fireworks!" -Michelle Langley, Howell, Mi

"I went nuts and yelled and teased my friend!" -Steven Fawcett

" I was over my best friends house when the Wings won the cup. My favorite part of the game is when, My man Darren McCarty shot the wining goal. He did his usual victory dance=-). I was jumping around the house and screaming. (I'm a real die hard Wings fan) I loved every minute of it." - Jennifer Johnson, Flint, MI


"I was in my den watching the game with my dad, my brother Nick and my friend Ross. I was blown away to see my idol hoisting the cup over his head. I'l never forget that moment." -Graeme Ring

The Author's Editorial

I was with some friends watching the game at home the night of game 4. When the buzzer went off and I saw Stevie with the cup, I cried, and then we all went outside and lit off fireworks! I have many favorite moments, some are more personal than others. One favorite moment is watching Mike Vernon light up a big stoggie right on the ice, and all of the guys just going crazy hugging and even kissing each other- now that was a sight! Another favorite moment was Darren McCarty's interview in the lockeroom on live TV when he said "You can take 1955 and shove it up your @ss!" And my more personal moment is the Stanley Cup victory parade, it was one big party!


What do you think about Segei Fedorov holding out on signing his contract? Are the Wings better off without him?
Sergei says that part of the reason for him holding out is that he has lost fan support, do you believe that is true?

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"The Wings are at a big loss without Feddy. Sergei likes to say what he wants, and he gets a lot of "media madness", as in to per say, so he said that the fans are a part of his holding out, I agree. I mean, he's a fan fave, aside from Yzerman. The reason why people don't like him as much as they used to is because some people said he's a "self-absorbed millionare". Okay, so he has a lot of money, but you can't take away his talent and love for the game. Put the money away, people, and just watch what he does best. I know a lot of people who will say, "yeah, his whining!" but come on! Give some of his more DEVOTED fans a BREAK!" -Shannon Feeney.

"Would the Wings be better off without him? No. Sergei brings this team another big-name star that keeps th opposition on its heels. He's a constant offense threat, and plays incredible defense. You won't get that from any other player in the NHL. Is lack of fan support a reason why Fedorov is holding out? That's hogwash. The guy's not Nike's poster child for nothing! -Matt Schwartz Redwings Center Ice

"It would be nice if we could sign Sergei but he needs to come down out of the clouds and face reality. We can get along without him as we've shown so far. If Sergei has lost the fan support I feel he brought it on himself with his overblown ego." - Connie

"I used to think that Sergei Fedorov was a good role model and leader, and always thought about the team, but now I think that he is greedy and selfish." -Craig Levasseur Saginaw, MI

"I believe that the Wings are a worse team without Sergei... However, that fan support thing is bullsh*t. He's losing fans because he goes galivanting around the countryside with a girl 11 years younger than him (key word = girl) and because he's holding out for $2 million more than Shanny and the Captain, and because he didn't go to Russia. It's good that they're winning without him because that puts more pressure on him and less on the Wings to get him signed." - Nick Fuerth, Windsor, Ont.

"The sergei question..I think sergei is not a true hockey player. I would play in the NHL for free...reguardless if I have any fans..I play for the love of the game..not for the fame.... sergei doesnt..maybe all tha fame went to his head.."-Brandon Kasper

"Not being a Wings fan, and being a Bruins fan, I think he should come to Boston. But if he keeps holding out on his contract the wings are left with an offensive hole. So the wings need to try really hard to sign him. I don't think he's lost support from the fans, Look at all of the sites dedicated to him. He's just being greedy like Lindros, Kariya, and Messier. The wings do need him, hockey needs him. He's a joy to watch." - Jon

The Author's Editorial

Personally, I'm a big fan of Sergei, and I really hope that the organization will come to it's senses and realize that Sergei brings in a alot of money, and he has plenty of fan support. I don't think the team is better off without him at all! I think he is a big contributor to the team, and as far as the little sixteen year-old girlfriend thing goes, I don't really approve. The reason I don't approve is because of her age, not so much because of the age difference. If she was 22 and he was 34 it wouldn't be so much of a big deal, but it IS his personal life, and he can do whatever he wants to do!


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