Friends when I was 14. She had a couple of horses and riding was fun. We almost always rode bareback. One time we went through the woods in back of her house and to the edge of the golf course.  The horse I was on got nipped on the back end by the horse MaryAlice was on and Up reared my horse.  I slipped right down his back and onto the ground and the horse went dashing across the golf course.  MaryAlice ran after the horse as I sat there watching and listening to her yell at me for letting him get loose! I didn't know why then, but  later learned when MaryAlice's dad heard about the horses on the golf course and reminded her NOT to let them Go there.  When MaryAlice's parents weren't home, we would go for rides in the country in the car and then MaryAlice would fill it back up with gasoline from the gas tank by their garage so her parents wouldn't know she had been out driving it. Two years later on the day she got her drivers' license and Permission to drive the car, she swerved in the road to miss hitting a ground hog and ended up with the car in the ditch. She told her dad she'd tried to avoid hitting a DOG!  That happened the night before our Class Trip and she was supposed to drive, but since her car was cracked up, she called me, and I drove that day.  I hit the car in front of me when I didn't stop soon enough, but I was luckier….only left an inch and a half dimple dent in the Buick bumper and nobody ever noticed it. One night in our Senior year just before an exam that I didn't want to take, MaryAlice and I decided we'd elope with our boyfriends. I had tied up sheets from my bed, lowered a filled suitcase to the ground, taken it to a spot by the church where my boyfriend Dale picked it up.  I stayed overnight at MaryAlice's and late at night, we started to sneak out of her window to go down the hill to meet our boyfriends in their car. All of a sudden we heard MaryAlice's dad calling out "What's going ON in there!?"  We got so scared that we jumped back out of the window and got back into bed. Joey and Dale would not be eloping with us that night.  MaryAlice and I were friends all through High School and went to Ohio State University and were in the same dormitory too, Mack Hall.