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Movie Index

For many years (or, at least, more than 10), I was an avid Star War fan. This obsession started around the beginning of Junior High, when one of my mom's friends lent us an old tape of Episode IV. Within a week, I had lost count of how many times I'd watched it, and this obsession only grew over the following years. When the originals were re-mastered and re-released in theaters, I (and a large group of friends) went to the midnight showings on opening night for each movie. We also frequented the "Special Editions", although with less zeal. Unfortunately, when the prequels came out, it was apparent that Lucas had turned to the dark side (i.e.: he started making eye-candy instead of stories). Since the release of Episode I, my interest in Star Wars has significantly diminished. However, if Episodes IV-VI were re-released in the original (or digitally remastered) edition as DVDs, I would definitely invest in them, and my interest would probably rise again.

Fortunately for me, though, Peter Jackson has given the world a new set of classics in the film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings. These movies instantly captured my interest, and a new obsession sprang up in that empty hole which Star Wars had left.

As you will quickly see by the content of these movie-review pages, when I say I'm obsessed, I really mean it. I hope you enjoy what you find here! If you would like any more information on any of the topics discussed within, or if you are in need of pictures, feel free to contact me!

Lord of the Rings pages
Pirates of the Caribbean *AKA: An excuse to post Orlando Bloom pictures

Coming Soon:
Star Wars (Episodes IV-VI) pages

Fantasy Index
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