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Circular Reasoning -- See Reasoning, Circular
Dumb -- See Man
Man -- See Pain
Manly -- 1. adj A description used when a female means "cute" but knows that "cute" would be an insult to the man's ego. 2. adj A lightly vailed insult. (Ex: When a man has done something that takes a lot of some attribute the man has, and he's proud of himself for it, but the woman is totally unimpressed, she might say, "Oh, how manly of you!")
Matter -- noun Never Mind .
Mind -- noun No Matter .
Pain -- See Twit
Pissy -- 1. adj Describing people such as Yoda, Gnome and Blondie.
Reasoning, Circular -- See Circular Reasoning
Recursion -- See Recursion
Tolerant -- Willing to change your beliefs and bend over backwards for the sake of not offending someone with different beliefs.
Twit -- Any of the number of available male beings, thus named because of their lack of ability to express their true feelings, make a decision or otherwise be helpful to any female being.

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