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This portion of the site is dedicated to random topics that don't fit well into any of my major categories.
Some are humorous, some are truly random (such as quotes) and some are just informational.
Here's what you'll find:

Everything I Learned in Kindergarten was Proven Wrong in College (A parody of the famous Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)
Thoughts, Pet Peeves, Quotes, The Meaning of Life, and Other Odd Ramblings of My Inane Mind (As stated, a random collection of one-liners)
Dictionary (My own or society's interpretation of certain words and phrases in the English language)
Fortunes (Many of the fortunes I've received in fortune cookies)
Comic Addictions (A list of the web-comics I read on a daily basis)

Verses (A collection of some of my favorite Bible verses)
Contact Me (A list of my regularly-checked e-mail addresses -- PLEASE WRITE!!!)
FAQ and NSFAQ (Frequently Ask Questions -- and some Not-So-Frequently Asked Questions)

Reality Index
Main Index