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Everything I Learned in Kindergarten
was Proven Wrong in College
Kindergarten College
1+1=2 1+1=10
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Sharing is good. Sharing is bad.
If you share something, it will either get lost, broken, stolen or get you in trouble (like if you share your drawer with your roommate and she stores her alcohol in it...).
When you color, stay in the lines. Good art has no lines.
1=1 1=3/3=1/3+2/3=.3333+.6666=.9999
Do what Simon Says. After listening to Simon,
make your own choice as to what to do.
Don't make a scene in public. Making scenes in public is the only way to get things done.
In the list (5,4,2,1,3,6,2), 1 is in the 4th position. In the list (5,4,2,1,3,6,2), 3 is in the 4th position.
A watched pot never boils. An unwatched pot boils over.
And, finally, the one that I just don't like...
Some things are right,
some things are wrong.
Everything's okay if it makes you feel good.
We have to be tolerant, people!

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