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Tips, Thoughts, Pet Peeves, Quotes, The Meaning of Life, and Other Odd Ramblings of My Inane Mind

  1. I don't have to be Super Woman.
  2. Pet Peeve: Being tail-gated by large vehicles on a freeway.
  3. I used to ask myself, "What would Jesus do?" Then I read the Gospel. Now I ask myself, "What did Jesus do?"
  4. Tip of the Section: If your baby cries a lot whenever you put him in his cradle, think about putting him in something more stable -- babies probably don't like the feeling of being suspended in mid-air by something that keeps rocking around.
  5. Sometimes I wish I were just a little more evil. It seems there are a lot of bad things that really need doing, because they would make the world a lot better to live in. For example, sure: we're all entitled to our own opinions, but racist people are just wrong and really need to be told that up-close-and-personal-like.
  6. "Every jumbled pile of person has a thinking part that wonders what the part that isn't thinking isn't thinking of." - TMBG
  7. If I had a secret that I didn't want anybody to know about, and yet I just really felt that I ought to get it out in the open, I'd write it on a warning label. Or in a text book. Or in a "Readme" file. Someday, when I write, patent and distribute a program, I'll put the secret to the meaning of life in the ReadMe file. Or maybe in the license agreement. Or the copywrite information. No one will ever find it there.
  8. Pet Peeve: Men.
  9. Tip of the Next Section: If your mouse is giving you trouble, take the ball out of the bottom and clean out the insides with a Cue-Tip (one that's not too fuzzy, though). However, be sure to turn the computer off before unplugging the mouse from the computer.
  10. "Misery loves company" = a big lie.
  11. I love Chinese food -- especially Lo Mein and Crabmeat Rangoon. But the fortune cookies always tell me my lucky number is 13.
  12. I can't smell.
  13. New Jersy accents never go away. In fact, they usually end up getting handed down through the generations.
  14. "Irregardlessly" is not a word.
  15. "Me or I?" -- To determine whether to use the word me or the word I when referring to yourself and another person/party, take the other person/party out of the sentence and see if it sounds good. For example: "She and me/I went to the store" would become "Me/I went to the store". Whichever one is correct in the singular is correct in the plural. "Give it to him and I" is incorrect!!!!!
  16. Yes, that previous tip is a pet peeve of mine.
  17. Bad advice that I didn't follow, but yet wish I'd followed: If you're ever in a situation where someone does something to you and you really want to do something back, do it, cuz otherwise you'll regret it for the rest of your life.
  18. If the 0th dimension is a point, the 1st dimension is a line (i.e., a row of points), the 2nd dimension is a plane (i.e., a row of lines) and the 3rd dimension is space (i.e., a row of planes), isn't it logical that the 4th dimension is time (a row of spaces)?
  19. If the 4th dimension is time (or, a row of spaces), what is the 5th dimension?
  20. "I'm vacuuming the strawberries." - Kitty
  21. "Does being a Christian mean that when I draw Yaks, I have to draw Yaks with crosses on them?"
    "No, being a Christian means drawing the best Yak you can."
  22. Two wrongs don't make a right, but two landscapes do make a portrait.
  23. "Dance like no one's watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like no one's listening, live like it's heaven on earth." -- William Pukey
  24. For the last time: There is no such thing as an "unbiased opinion".
  25. "Snow" is a four-letter word.
  26. People should have to take vows similar to wedding vows about their children if they want to be allowed to have children.
  27. Pet Peeve: People that don't brush snow off their rear windows or tail lights.
  28. "It's not that Christians aren't where they should be; it's that they aren't what they should be where they are." -Os Guiness
  29. Lesson learned, March 30, 2001: Never try to have a rational conversation with an irrational person. (Side note: This lesson gets re-learned frequently)
  30. "One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time." - Andre Gide
  31. Just because something hurts doesn't mean it's bad.
  32. The purpose of life is to develop and grow in a relationship with God. The value of life stems directly from the value that God places in all people - we are valuable because He chooses to value us.
  33. Confusion corrupts.
  34. "Perception is reality." -- No, I don't really believe this. I added it because I thought it was so funny.
  35. "You may get an error following this line. Please ignore." (source: openssl-0.9.6b makefile)
  36. Never, ever use a regular spoon to scoop ice cream. Use an ice cream scoop. If you need one, write me and I'll send you one -- I've got 3, and I'm willing to share.
  37. Human beings were not made with hot-swappable parts. In other words, "No, Tom, you cannot have my teeth."
  38. It feels better to belong than to own.
  39. "If I had to lose one of my senses, the first one I'd choose is my sense of impending doom." - Seen on a card at Hallmark
  40. Faith isn't just believing that He can. It's also about believing that He will.
  41. "In great attempts, it is glorious even to fail." - Vince Lombardi?
  42. "If I am, therefore I think." - Mark (sometimes known as "Treebeard")
  43. "Do you see any holes forming?"
    "Do you see any holes not forming?"

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