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Palgwe Chil Chung
Number of moves: 29
Gi-yups: 6, 22, 29
Trigram: Gan (Mountain top)
Start in ready position.
1. Step forward into left front stance, low block to either side.
2. Front kick with right foot.
3. Set kicking foot down into right front stance, double middle block.
4. Front kick with left foot.
5. Set kicking foot down into left front stance, high X-block.
6. Pivot and side kick with right foot. Gi-yup!
7. Set kicking foot down into left back stance, double high knife-hand block to right.
8. Turn 270° to the left into right back stance, side middle block with left hand.
9. Pivot into left front stance, reverse high punch with right hand.
10. Without stepping, high block with left hand.
11. Side kick with right foot.
12. Set kicking foot down into left back stance, double low knife-hand block to right.
13. Pivot into right front stance, reverse middle punch with left hand.
14. Turn 180° to the right into left back stance, side middle block with right hand.
15. Pivot into right front stance, reverse high punch with left hand.
16. Without stepping, high block with right hand.
17. Side kick with left foot.
18. Set kicking foot down into right back stance, double low knife-hand block to left.
19. Pivot into left front stance, reverse middle punch with right hand.
20. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, low X-block with right hand on top.
21. Without stepping, withdraw hands and high X-block.
22. Without stepping, reverse the X-block by twisting hands and wrists until left hand is on top, withdraw right hand, high punch with right hand (pulling left hand back to hip).
23. Turn 270° to the left into side stance, hammer strike to the right side.
24. Turn 90° to the left into left front stance, back (open) hand strike (neck level) with left hand.
25. Inward crescent kick with right foot into left palm.
26. Set kicking foot down into side stance, elbow strike with right elbow into left palm.
27. Turn focus 180° to the left, shuffle back (to right) still in side stance, low block with left hand to the left, back fist strike with right hand to the right.
28. Shuffle back into right back stance, double high knife-hand block to left.
29. Pivot into left front stance, reverse middle punch with right hand.
Return to ready position.
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