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Web Log for June, 2003

July 12 - Saturday
July 29 - Tuesday

Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Well, for all of you who have been waiting in rapt anticipation since my last post, it's official: I'm bipolar. I've spent the last week trying to adjust to this fact, and adjust to the mood stabilizer I have to take now. Neither adjustment is going well. I'm still in denial of it. I'm also being very forgetful - as in, I press the "compose" button in my e-mail app and, by the time the compose window loads, I've forgotten who I'm writing to and why.
     My supervisor at work isn't helping - she thinks that, now that I've taken a pill or two, I should be all better. This is the reason I'm not at work today. Too much stress. On the other hand, my friends and co-workers are all being very understanding and supportive.

     Okay, time to change the subject. Getting too stressed out.

     I'm still playing SWG. Great game! I'm still usually on Chilastra as Arris. I've made a couple other characters, but I'm not going to work on them until I get sick of Arris. Which will be a while. She's Master Medic now! I wish there was a way to get more skill points in that game. But I suppose characters would get too strong if they were allowed to max out all sorts of things. Anyhow, I made a medic buddy on Corellia - Athmordo. He was picking on Arris, so she punched him in the face, and things just sort of snowballed from there... But Coronet on Corellia is a great place to get medic experience. LOTS of wounded there. Yee-ha.
     Well, that's about it for now. I might be meeting some of the guys from work for lunch, so I'm going to go get ready for that. I'll write again when I get the chance, and when my mood has been adequately stablized...
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Okay, so it's been weeks again. To recap:
  • I upped my Zoloft for a couple weeks. This put me at such a high that Deb sent me to Psychiatrist. She thinks I'm bi-polar. Wouldn't that be a hoot. Anyhow, I downed my Zoloft again...
  • I'm going to be in Jen's wedding on August 23. The downside is that I have to wear a dress. The upside is that the dress is NOT yellow.
  • I've gotten completely addicted to the video game Star Wars Galaxies. I have a character named Arris Dee on the Chilastra server - look me up if you play! She's a little bit of everything - she dances and snipes and mines and is a general nuisance. Some of my uber-cool friends on that server are:
    • Dusskh and Vanah': Arris' fan club
    • Rone, Twi'Luna, Alexandryia and a plethora of other dancers from the Mos Espa cantina
    • Ackico, a droid engineer who made Arris' kick-ass armor and rifle (as well as a bunch of surveying tools)
    • And, of course, Rirge and Bah'Krio who are actually friends from work that got me addicted to it in the first place.
    I plan to post more about Star Wars Galaxies, including screenshot of the above-mentioned characters, once I actually take a break from playing it. *sheepish grin*
     In other news, it is 2 o'clock in the morning, and I'm at work. It was production patch week again, but, fortunately, I won't have to do this for another 6 months. At least, I don't plan to, anyway.
     That's about all my brain can process right now. I'll try to post again soon, but it will depend on if Chilastra is up or not!

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