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Gena's Web Log

     This is a psuedo-diary, in which I write whatever comes to mind. I might update this on a regular basis, if I feel really motivated to do so. The contents is random -- just whatever I'm thinking about. I might follow some thoughts up with new pages/sections, or I might just leave them to decorate the log.
     I apologize if the pages take a while to load -- I have an extensive collection of background images that I intend to use to convey my mood when I add entries to this log. I'll try to start new pages often enough that each page can load quickly.

January, 2003
February, 2003
March, 2003
April, 2003
May, 2003
June, 2003
July, 2003
August, 2003
September, 2003
October, 2003
My NEW LiveJournal

Web Logs of My Friends
Melissa's Live Journal (It's cool cuz you can post responses!)
Jen's Web Log (near the bottom of the page) (Archives here)

Reality Index
Main Index