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Burning News: Band happenings

July 9, 2000 Ashley is now back in the South Shore Music Scene, drumming for that wiley Diva, MS. Melany Joy Beck. Mike is still working and writing with his band, QueenB. Everyone is good,....Its all good.

1999 April 24, 2000 Well this page hasn't been updated in awhile. Everyone in the band is doing fine. We have a track on now. "Your Mirror", please support, it's really cool.>

October 11- MP3's now just days away .....they will be residing at More info soon. Also INDIE ROCK SHOW! On November 13, featuring Ursa Minor, Queen Bee and Manray 19! Stay tuned for more details. Sept 26-The good docktor Semillama now has his own web page at check it out y'all. Ashley Bliggity has reappeared in the Buffalo New York area, where she is busy chasing Ani Difranco. Do you want to know which band is going to be getting together for a reunion tour sometime in 2000? Keep checking here for further updates!

Sept 8-Heyshutuprecords adds a new band to its roster. Queenbee, a bunch of sadist, sicko, liberal, animal rights, save the rain forest, communist nutballs will now be on Heyshutup. The band has played two shows so far, and has the very beginning of a web page at For those of you who wondered, this is Mike's new band.

Aug 11- We will soon have our songs in MP3 format, for your added convenience. Mike is no longer a pizza bitch! He has a job as a sportwriter for a local paper. Andy is working hard and Mel B is looking healthy and sexy as always. No word from the distant Ashley, whom we assume is doing fine.

June 13- Subshine is getting radio play on WMTU! The "Sun" compalition is at number one in the WMTU charts. The Sub-Urban Exchange is now closed for the summer. Also Mike is in a new band, with Shannon Perkins, Adam Yeoman and a bass player yet to be named.. Mike is doing vocal work in this band and hopes to have a web page for them sometime soon.

May 22 - Copies of subshine's self-titled album will be available soon. Please contact Mike Couling for more information.

May 6 - Subshine has finished recording its album, which is in the mixing stage. Copies should be available soon. As a special treat to fans, expect a "new wave" remix of one of our songs! The disc will be our swan song, as Melissa will most likely not be in any condition to sing anytime soon. Wish her well by emailing her at our biography page! The possibility remains of a subshine reunion sometime in the coming year if all four band members ever happen to be in town at the same time. This website will remain up , in order for fans and interested folks to keep updates on what band members are currently doing. A great big thanks to all who came out and supported us.

April 23 - Recording progresses on our disc, as yet untitled. Expect a fuller sound from the overdubbing of guitars, impossible live. We hope to have it ready to coincide with the "Into The Sun" release show, May 15th. Subshine will be a part of the festivities in some form.

April 19 - Subshine is recording a cd, scheduled for release sometime in May. If you would like a copy, please email one of the band members for more information.

April 5 - The SubUrban Exchange show with Yanni DiFranco (aka Doveboy)went fairly well. No big disasters, although Mike felt the "spear", as Andy channeled the wrath of "Bob". We debuted our cover of "gigantic" and did our slinky version of "wonderwall" just for Matt Wright. It's looking like we won't get to play AK Psi, bumped for the local Funk band. Check out the showdates page for possible upcoming gigs. Subshine is planning on recording a disc, in order to have good recordings of our songs. If you would be interested in such a disc, please email one of the band members. We'll probably ask for you to cover the cost of the blank disc and jewel case, that's all. Look for this disc in late may.

March 14 - Plans are in the works for a gig at AK Psi with ene mor, and a headlining gig at Suburban in early April. Make sure to check the showdates page for updates...

March 13-"The bands they dare not label" show at Suburban Exchange. The show was smashing, all of the bands played very,very well. There was about 80 - 100 people there to witness the ROK fest. We played for an hour and with Ashley's crushing backbeat, Andy's guitar heroics, Mel B's patented Shirley Temple on angel dust vocals, and Mikey's self-destructive bass playing, many folks said this was our best show ever! man Ray 19 played a truncated set due to illness, however, they still put on a typical man Ray 19 show, full of passion and fiery music. An unexpected treat was man Ray 19's first foray into hip hop with MC JURMU. ene mor played a thrashing set of emo-core, closing out the night.

Feb 13 - Due to illness, we had to cancel our show with Housebreaker... Winter Carnival went off very well, despite sound problems. The crowd was very appreciative and enjoyed the show. In all, a much better gig than expected...Check out Hallucinations, lots of new photos up, also in the band biography page.

Jan 22- We have new gigs, check out the showdates page for more info. Expect new material to be debuted at one of these shows...

Jan 17- We played the NORML benefit at 4pm. Technical difficulties, the challenge of playing for a handful of people in a large space, rotten acoustics and the inadvertent summoning of the Stark Fist of Wrath by one unversed in such matters all contributed to a less than stellar performance. However, all this means is that we'll come back huge for our next show.

Jan 16- Subshine recorded "Definition of a Friend" for the Sun Compilation, in memory of the late Oren Krumm. Much thanks to the folks at Red House Studio, who graciously allowed us to record several other tunes as well.

Jan 15 - Due to copyright infringment, we have changed our band name to Subshine... We played our first public show this night, and it went smashingly well. 100 people attended the show and the band gave a dedicated and inspired performance.

Jan 5- We have a few more gigs coming up, check the showdates for more information.

Dec 30 - A new addition to the site is here: Rant! This is a page where the thoughts, ideas and opinions of the band members are expressed. This may change frequently, so be sure to check back every once in a while for a new rant.


Dec 16- We recorded our first demo at Trance Lucid's practice space in Hancock, MI. We put down five songs with the great help of Mr. Dove Dewey. The tape should be out soon, let us know if you would like a copy. Melissa, although suffering with pneumonia, managed to still sound great. Trance Lucid is negotiating to record for the Oren Krumm benefit album on the same day as our show at Suburban Exchange (january 15). What a way to kick off the year. 1999- The Trance Lucid invasion begins!

Dec 10- We are playing at the Suburban Exchange in downtown Houghton on Friday Jan. 15, w/ special guest to be announced, come see us play...Doors open at 8 and there is a three dollar cover.

Dec 6- Practice yielded two new songs: "Ronald McReagan" and "Your Mirror." Check out the lyric page for updates on all the songs.

December 4- We have enlisted Mr Dove Dewey to help us record a demo in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more information.....

November 29- We now have photos from our Halloween show posted, plus others. Click on "hallucinations" below to check them out.

November 19- First practice with Ashley on drums. One new song was introduced, bring our total with covers up to eight. Mike and Andy were quite impressed with Ashley's talent and are very pleased to have her in the group.

November 10- We have a new member joining us! Ashley Kate Baldridge is replacing Beth Kampshror on drums. Ashely's experience gives the band a much fuller and interesting sound.

November 9-The Band is taking a while off as everyone is going on the road to various locations. We are hoping to book a Suburban Exchange show in December.

October 31- Trance Lucid played their first show on Halloween night! We played with Senator Drunkster and a reformed Warren Commission in Mike's attic. The crowd was small, but were impressed with the energy of the band. The band received a lot of positive comments from people, and we all had a lot of will be up soon from this show and keep looking for new band photos as well. (Andy was a Full-on Subgenius Warrior-Priest For Cernunnos, Mike was a woodsprite, Mellissa was Spider-man and Beth was a witch.) More news soon.

Booking and other information:

Email Andy at or Mike at

We are interested in playing anywhere in the Great Lakes area. Because of school commitments for the band, we are mostly limited to playing weekends.


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