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~~Training Jasper~~
Many people have written me asking for advice on different Shih Tzu care and how I trained Jasper. This is a little page that I put together on the most frequently asked question(s). Right now it's only about "potty training" but check back often because I might be adding more!! :-)

  • Piper's Dog House
    This was the very first Shih-Tzu webpage I found. It has always been my favorite! Except for, of course, My Jasper's Home! Please visit this site and enjoy the Shih-Tzu only Photo Album!! :-)

  • Tippy O'Toole
    This little Shih Tzu is one of Jasper's internet buddies! It is a heartwarming story about a Shih Tzu rescued from the pound just days before he was going to be put to sleep.

  • My Little Sweetie~Jasper
    No, this isn't My Jasper but a new friend of mine has a cutie pie Jasper too! Check out page 2 with the "bath scene" pictures! Oh, to CUTE!! Thank you Cindy for signing our guestbook and leaving a trail to your wonderful page!

  • Pet Station
    Internet home base for people who love all kinds of pets.

  • Rhonda's Realm - Shih Tzu Links
    Huge collection of Shih Tzu links

  • Libby's Shih Tzu Homepage
    Shih Tzu info, links, photos, double layer dog cake recipe and webrings.

  • Shih-Tzu/Lhasa Apso WWW Links
    Tons of links to other homepages! Look for Jasper's Home on this one!! :-)

    The Internet Pet Hospital. All kinds of info here. You can even write to the Vet with your questions.

  • Home Remedies for Dogs & Cats
    Full of tons of home remedies for our furbabies! Brought to us by PetSmart! Jasper's favorite shopping spot! :-)

  • Wilo Pups
    Tons of links about Dogs! You will get carried away in this site!

  • Assorted 1-800-#'s To Call Regarding Pets
    Just about every 1-800-number you'll every need to call for anything about your pets.

  • Dog Treats from Your Kitchen
    Lot of Recipes to make Your Doggy some treats! Heck, they're good enough for people to eat! Even special holiday treats! Robin went way out on this site. Make sure you go through and see her whole site! Sign the guestbook while you are there and tell her Jasper sent YOU! :-)

  • APLB-Pet Bereavement
    I know we all hate to think of losing our Pets but if you do and you need support.... this is a good place to turn to.

    Here is another great site for support when your Pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.

  • dog page
    Lot's of stuff in here! Shopping, Games, Sites and even submit your doggy site and get entered into a contest! Please go vote for "Jasper's Home" under the doggy site section!

  • PETS 2000
    Add your pet to this site! Jasper is in this gallery on page 11! It also has cards to send and lots of other great things to do!

  • Pet of the Day
    Enter your pet or a friend's pet into this contest. I still need to sign my guys up!

    Jeffer's Pet catalog on line! This is where I ordered Jasper's carseat from. I get this home delivered. There is a 1-800-# so you can order a catalog or place an order!

  • Janee Trasler Studio
    This is a site with great artistry mugs, t-shirts, aprons and other things of Dogs, Cat, Birds and more. I LOVE the Shih Tzu stuff here! :-)

  • The American Shih Tzu Club Homepage
    Shih Tzu facts, breeder information, information, links and health information.

  • AKC Shih Tzu
    The American Kennel Club for Shih Tzu.

  • The Shih Tzu Reporter
    Bi-monthly magazine all about Shih Tzus. Learn how to care for your precious one!

  • ShihHappens
    Shih Tzu links, e-mail list, graphics, webrings and more.

    This is a great site to learn all about dog breeds. It has a test for you to take to help you decide which breed of dog is good for you. It also has a cat breed selector too. And tons of other information. Check it out!

    Search for dog info on all breeds, discussion groups, message boards, dogs in the news and more.

  • Hoflin' s Dogs Online
    Doggy books, magazines, humor, prints... to much to name everything!

    Adopt a homeless pet! All you have to do is enter your zip code to locate pets in your area!

    Lots of great information about health care for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Ferrets and more!

  • Veterinary Medicine
    Tons of pet related issues covered in this site. And it's about all kinds of pets too! Dogs, Birds, Cats, Fish and more!

  • Emergency Dog Links
    Would you know what to do incase of an emergency? It's best to read this now.... just incase, you might need to know one day, what to do if your little one get's in trouble.

    Find out what hotels, motels, inns and other places your pets are welcomed to.

    Find out where there are off-lease parks in your area.

  • Dog World Magazine
    The popular Dog World Magazine that you see in the stores.... is now on line!

  • The Directory Of Dog Web Sites search engine for doggy sites! Add your doggy site!

    A lot of different things here from Shopping to Advise.

  • KV Vet Supply
    Another online catalog that we have home deliveried!!

    I think this is one of Jasper's favorites sites! All the toys he could ever dream about on this site! And a lot of other Pet supplies too!

    Previously Petopia online. Pet supplies and toys online shopping.

  • Dog Caps
    Order a baseball style cap for your dog! Made to order! I would love to get one for Jasper!

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& Tons of FREE Dog Stuff!

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