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 Julian L. Simon Centre

Julian L. Simon

Our Tribute to a Friend

Prof. Julian L. Simon, of University of Maryland, a renowned economist, statistician and demographer, and a very close friend and advisor to Liberty Institute, passed away suddenly in February 1998. We decided to name the Institute’s library and resource centre on liberal and free market literature after Prof. Simon, to keep alive the spirit of inquiry, courage and perseverance that he instilled in all those who came in contact with him.

Prof. Simon was singularly responsible for changing the common misperception about population. Far from considering population growth to be a problem, Prof. Simon held that “ The ultimate resource is people, especially skilled, spirited, hopeful young people who will exert their will and imagination for their own benefit and in doing so, will inevitably benefit the rest of us as well.” And the brake, he said, is our lack of imagination because of which we devise policies that restrain freedom, curtail choices, and dampen the spirit of inquiry and enterprise in the people.

The unique collection at Julian L. Simon Centre is attracting the attention of scholars and professionals alike.
Julian Simon in India 
Julian Simon Picture Gallery 
Julian L. Simon Home Page
Remembering Julian L. Simon
Please visit
Julian Simon Centre:
259, J-Block, (2nd floor), Saket, New Delhi 110 017. India.
Tel: (91)-(11) 651-2441 / 652-8244

(C) Liberty Institute, New Delhi, 1999