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Fifth Anniversary CeRebrations of Liberty Institute

Liberty Institute completes five years of an exciting mission to promote ideas of political and economic freedom next week. That pursuit began with the first Freedom Workshop in 1996. In cerebrations between March 5 and 11, 2001, we celebrate our fifth anniversary with events that take us further along on this exciting path – a series of  stimulating events.

Please join us in this intellectual odyssey on the road to liberty.

Seminar on Private Initiatives in Education: Bridging the knowledge divide, March 5, 2001, New Delhi. Release of the monographThe Enterprise of Education:  Opportunities and Challenges for India,by James Tooley.

Seminar on Politics of Health Care: Good intentions are not enough, March 6, 2001, New Delhi. Release of the book When Politics Kills: Malaria and the DDT debate,co-authored by Richard Tren and Roger Bate.

Seminar on Intellectual Property, in Need of Protection, March 7, 2001, New Delhi.

Liberty Retreat: A gatheing of friends and associates of Liberty Institute, at Samode Palace, Rajasthan, March 9-11, 2001, to discuss the past and the present, and chart a future course for the Institute.

The Fountainhead Essay Competition 2000 - The Results:The first prize has gone to Ms. Sakshi Gupta of La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow. The other results and and the best four essays are available online.

Julian L. Simon Memorial Lecture: Prof. Deepak Lal spoke on "The New Cultural Imperialism: The Greens and economic development" at the India International Centre, 40 Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi, at 10.30 am on December 9, 2000.

Book News

Click here for a complete list of our publications

Population - The ultimate resource Contributors in this new volume include Julian L. Simon, Peter Bauer, Deepak Lal, Nicholas Eberstadt, and Sauvik Chakraverti. The authors challenge the prevailing Malthusian mindset that the world is running out resources due to growing population. The volume is dedicated to the memory of late Julian L. Simon of University of Maryland at College Park in the US.

War on Tobacco: At what cost? The two contributors to this volume, Deepak Lal and Roger Scruton, question the science, economics, and ethical basis of the attempts by World Bank and the World Health Organisation to restrict the choice of the consumer.

Liberty Institute