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Advocates for the Millennium

- A Detailed Unit Overview -

This five week project on the millennium will involve grades 3-9 students in the following activities.  

Week 1 - Introduction to the Millennium
Week 2 - Y1K & The First 2000 Years
Week 3 - The Present
Week 4 The Future
Week 5 - Finale and Wrap Up

Week 1 - Introduction to the Millennium

Week 1 will consist of an exploration of what the millennium is through internet research,
individual, group and class discussion and brainstorming to develop a class paragraph on
what the millennium is. At this time, we will pair students across grades and between
schools in other districts so that they have a keypal for the duration of the project.  This
consist of two junior high students in one district paired with two elementary students in
another district. Therefore, there will be four students in this keypal grouping. Students
will also contact businesses through e-mail and request information about how the
business is preparing for the year 2000. The same business will be shared between keypals.
Elementary students will request information on millennial problems and junior high students
will request information on not only the problems butthe falsehoods and truths as well.
(Businesses will be contacted by PLTs prior to the start of the project for confirmation
of participation.)

For more on Week 1 click here.

Week 2 - Y1K & The First 2000 Years

What events and important people of the past are remembered today and why? Students
will research a famous person of the last 2000 years (which have been specifically chosen
to span the entire 2000 years). Each school will create a timeline that all classes in that school
will contribute to (which will span the length of the hallway in each school). Student research
on the famous person will be placed on the timeline and will be their contribution to the
timeline. PLTs will prepare the timeline with historic events to show where the famous
personalities fit in the span of time, history and events. At completion of Week 3 the schools
will exchange timelines for viewing and discussion purposes. Students will also present their
findings to their class, the global classroom and share their writing via the website.

For more on Week 2 click here.

Week 3 - The Present

What are businesses doing now to prepare for Y2K and what can students do to prepare for
their own future? Students will explore, critically analyze and evaluate information to determine
if they are truths or falsehoods. Students will become ambassadors for the business that they
contacted. Students will exchange what they discovered about their shared business and
discuss the relevancy of the questions and comments proposed by the elementary students
with their junior high keypals, acting as mentors with an informed opinion based on research.
Based on the information that they gain, students will prepare society for the future through
such things as presentations to the school and community, through letters to stakeholders and
through publication of brochures and posters to increase public awareness.

For more on Week 3 click here.

Week 4 - The Future

Week 4 will have students make predictions of what life will be likeand how life will change.
Students will explore poems about the future, write some of their own, e-mail them to the
keypals and share these on the website.  Predictions of the future will be made based on an
informed opinion and will be expressed through various forms of poetry. Each student will be
responsible for creating their own future poem, e-mail it to their keypals and request feedback
from the global classroom. The student will present their keypals poem to their own class and
later provide feedback to their keypal.  In addition, postings will be made to the website.

Form more on Week 4 click here.

Week 5 - Finale and Wrap Up - Millennium Jeopardy Online Via Listboard

This activity was inspired by the fact that Alex Trebek is one of our famousCanadian
personalities used in Week Two. The Jeopardy activity will also provide an excellent review
of the themes encountered throughout this project: falsehoods vs. truths, historic events and
people, predictions of the future, key local, national and international businesses, etc.
Completions of postings of student work will be made and students will explore the
website. Follow-up activities will also be included on the website.

For more on Week 5 click here.

This project is registered at the
2Learn Project Centre.