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Overview   Timeline   Introduction   Y1K   Present   Future   Finale

Advocates for the Millennium

- Y1K & The First 1000 Years -

May 10 - 14, 1999

May 10

May 11 - 13

May 14

May 10

Human Timeline of the Millennium     

In this activity, each person will be given an envelope with an event written on the front.  As a class, your task is to organize yourselves into a human timeline, that is, the order that you believed that the events on each of your evelopes occured.  When EVERYONE has come to a consensus, we will start from the beginning and have each person read their event and share the year that the event occured.  This is contained in the envelope.  At this time, we will also correct the order of the timeline if  needed.

For Homework, to supplement this activity you will:


Each of your illustrations will be marked on a five point scale (excellent, very good, good, fair and poor)).  I will be looking for such things as neatness, care and attention to detail, color, labelling and appropriateness of illustration. Remember that your name is to go on the back.  

Curricular Outcomes 

May 11  - 13

Today we will look at the timeline with major events from history on it.  
Where does your event from yesterday fit in?
Where does the person that you will research fit into the timeline?  
Why are they significant in the span of history?   

Having looked at the major events of the past 1000 years, we will now look at major personalities.  Each students will have a person to research.  What was the most influential time in the individual's life?  What were they famous for: an invention, a book, a gold medal, a popular song? You will be responsible for searching print and web resources for information on the person.  You will make point form notes which you will reference with an appropriate bibliographic reference.  From these, you will select the most important facts of the persons life.  You will need a picture of the person the but in the center of your page, then place the facts around the person's face.  

Curricular Outcomes 

May 14

Today we will present the people that we researched, put them up on the timeline, reflect on characteristics of leaders, and influential people,and what makes them successful.  The timeline will remain at our school for two weeks then we will exchange it with our partner school so that we can display theirs and they can display ours.  

Curricular Outcomes