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Advocates for the Millennium

An Introduction - Activity One

What is the millennium anyway?  
Lots of us have heard of it in the news,
whether on tv, in the newspapers or on the radio.  
What does the millennium mean for us?  
What kinds of things are we going to have to do to prepare?
What other terms are related to the millennium?

After exploring some links to see what kind of information we can find related to the millennium, and taking point form notes on these sites, we will meet as a class, discuss the kinds of things that we found and create a class web of all the terms and issues that we can come up with


After exploring links and discussing the millennium as a class, I want you to write a short paragraph about what the millennium is.  Think about the web that we created, all the terms that were brainstormed and the things that individuals and businesses are doing to prepare for the next millennium.  This paragraph will be posted here. You will also be sharing your paragraph with your keypal on Thursday.

Curricular Outcomes