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Curricular Objectives that are fulfilled through
participation in the Advocates for the Millennium Project

Language Arts   Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9
Social Studies  Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9

Div 1-3  



Reading Writing Listening Viewing Speaking Representing

English Language Arts - Western Canadian Protocol
Grade 3

1.1 Discover and Explore

connect prior knowledge and personal experiences with new ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts
explain understanding of new concepts in own words
explore ideas and feelings by asking questions, talking to others and referring to oral, print and other media texts

1.2 Clarify and Extend

ask for others' ideas and observations to explore and clarify personal understanding
experiment with arranging and recording ideas and information in a variety of ways
ask questions to clarify information and ensure understanding

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

share ideas developed through interests, experiences and discussion that are related to new ideas and information
apply a variety of strategies, such as setting a purpose . . . 

use headings, paragraph, punctuation and quotation marks to assist with constructing and confirming meaning
apply phonic rules and generalizations competently and confidently to read unfamiliar words in context
apply word analysis strategies, to segment words into parts or syllables, when reading unfamiliar words in context

2.2 Respond to Texts

discuss, represent or write about ideas in oral, print and other media texts, and relate them to own ideas and experiences and to other texts
develop own opinions based on ideas encountered in oral, print and other media texts

3.1 Plan and Focus
use self-questioning to identify information needed to supplement personal knowledge on a topic
identify facts and opinions, main ideas and details in oral, print and other media texts
ask topic-appropriate questions to identify information needs
contribute ideas for developing a class plan to access and gather ideas and information

3.2 Select and Process
find information to answer research questions using a variety of sources, such as children's magazines, CD ROMs, plays, folk tales, songs, stories and the environment
use text features, such as titles, pictures, headings, labels, diagrams and dictionary guide words, to access information
locate answers to questions and extract appropriate and significant information form oral, print and other media texts
use card or electronic catalogues to locate information
review information to determine its usefulness in answering research questions

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate
draft ideas and information into short paragraphs, with topic and supporting sentences
record facts and ideas using a variety of strategies; list titles and authors of sources
determine if gathered information is sufficient to answer research questions 

3.4 Share and Review

organize and share ideas and information on topics to engage familiar audiences
use titles, headings and visuals to add interest and highlight important points of presentation
assess the research process, using pre-established criteria

4.1 Enhance and Improve
combine and rearrange existing information to accommodate new ideas and information
edit for complete and incomplete sentences
space words and sentences consistently on a line and page
use keyboarding skills to compose, revise and print text
understand and use vocabulary associated with keyboarding and word processing

explain relationships among words and concepts associated with topics of study

4.2 Attend to conventions

use adjectives and adverbs to add interest and detail to own writing

4.3 Present and Share

present ideas and information on a topic, using a pre-established plan
use print and nonprint aids to illustrate ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts
speak or present oral readings with fluency, rhythm, pace, and with appropriate intonation to emphasize key ideas
identify and set purposes for listening and viewing

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
use appropriate language to acknowledge and celebrate individual and class accomplishments

5.2 Work Within a Group

work cooperatively with others in small groups on structured tasks
identify and seek help from others who can provide assistance in specific situations
contribute ideas and information on topics to develop a common knowledge base in the group
ask others for their ideas, and express interest in their contributions
assess the effectiveness of group process, using pre-established criteria

Grade 4

1.1 Discover and Explore

compare new ideas, information and experiences to prior knowledge and experiences
ask questions, paraphrase and discuss to explore ideas and understand new concepts
share personal responses to explore and develop understanding of oral, print and other media texts

1.2 Clarify and Extend

identify other perspectives by exploring a variety of ideas, opinions, responses and oral, print and other media texts

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

use ideas and concepts, developed through personal interests, experiences and discussion, to understand new ideas and information
comprehend new ideas and information by responding personally and discussing ideas with others

use text features, such as headings, subheadings and margin organizers, to enhance understanding of ideas and information
use alphabetical order by first and second letter to locate information in reference materials

3.1 Plan and Focus

use organizational patterns of expository texts to understand ideas and information
focus topics appropriately for particular audiences
ask relevant questions, and respond to questions related to particular topics
develop and follow a class plan for accessing and gathering ideas and information

3.2 Select and Process

locate information to answer research questions using a variety of sources, such as classroom materials, school libraries, video programs, elders in the community and field trips
identify information sources that inform, persuade or entertain, and use such sources appropriately
recall important points, and make and revise predictions regarding upcoming information

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate  

organize ideas and information using . . . chronological order . .
record ideas and information that are on topic
organize oral, print other media texts into sections that relate to and develop the topic

make notes on key words, phrases and images by subtopics; cite titles and authors of sources alphabetically
paraphrase information from oral, print and other media sources
examine gathered information to identify if more information is required; review new understanding

3.4 Share and Review

communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as short reports, talks and posters
select visuals, print and/or other media to add interest and to engage the audience
identify strengths and areas for improvement in research process

4.1 Enhance and Improve

revise to ensure an understandable progression of ideas and information
identify and reduce fragments and run-on sentences, and edit for subject-verb agreement
use special features of software when composing, formatting and revising texts

use an increasing variety of words to express and extend understanding of concepts related to personal interests and topics of study
4.2 Attend to conventions

4.3 Present and Share

present ideas and information, on a topic of interest, to peers in a well-organized form
add interest to presentations through the use of props, such as pictures, overheads and artifacts
adjust volume, tone of voice and gestures appropriately, to suit a variety of social and classroom activities

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
use appropriate language to acknowledge special events and to honour accomplishments in and beyond the classroom

5.2 Work Within a Group

take responsibility for collaborating with others to achieve group goals
ask for and provide information and assistance, as appropriate, for completing individual and group tasks
share personal knowledge of a topic to develop purposes for research or investigations and possible categories of questions
use brainstorming, summarizing and reporting to organize and carry out group projects
assess group process, using established criteria, and determine areas for improvement

Grade 5

1.1 Discover and Explore

use appropriate prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of new ideas and information
read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings of new ideas and information
use own experiences as a basis for exploring and expressing opinions and understanding

1.2 Clarify and Extend

seek others' viewpoints to build on personal responses and understanding

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

describe ways that personal experiences and prior knowledge contribute to understanding new ideas and information
comprehend new ideas and information by responding personally, taking notes and discussing ideas with others
identify and use structural elements of texts, such as letters, brochures, glossaries and encyclopedias, to access and comprehend ideas and information

3.1 Plan and Focus

summarize important ideas in oral, print and other media texts and express opinions about them
combine personal knowledge of topics with understanding of audience needs to focus topics for investigation

identify categories of information related to particular topics, and ask questions related to each category

3.2 Select and Process

locate information to answer research questions using a variety of sources, such as newspapers, encyclopedia, CD ROMs, a series by the same writer, scripts, diaries, autobiographies, interviews and oral traditions
use a variety of tools, such as chapter headings and encyclopedia guide words, to access information
skim, scan and listen for key words and phrases
determine the usefulness and relevance of information for research purpose and focus, using pre-established criteria

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate  

use clear organizational structures, such as chronological order, and cause and effect, to link ideas and information and to assist audience understanding
organize ideas and information to emphasize key points for audience
add, delete or combine ideas to communicate more effectively
record information in own words; cite titles and authors alphabetically, and provide publication dates of sources
combine ideas and information from several sources
record ideas and information in relevant categories, according to research plan
connect gathered information to prior knowledge to reach new conclusions

3.4 Share and Review

communicate ideas and information in a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as illustrated reports, charts, graphic displays and travelogues
select visual, print and/or other media texts to inform and engage the audience
assess personal research skills using pre-established criteria

4.1 Enhance and Improve

revise to add and organize details that support and clarify intended meaning
edit for appropriate use of statements, questions and exclamations
apply word processing skills and use publishing programs to organize information

4.3 Present and Share

organize ideas and information in presentations to maintain a clear focus and engage the audience
use effective openings and closings that attract and sustain reader or audience interest
adjust volume, tone of voice and gestures to engage the audience; arrange presentations space to focus audience attention

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community

select and use language appropriate in tone and form to recognize and honour people and events

5.2 Work Within a Group

accept and take responsibility for fulfilling own role as a group member
discuss and decide whether to work individually or collaboratively to achieve specific goals
formulate question to guide research or investigations, with attention to specific audiences and purposes
contribute ideas to help solve problems, and listen and respond constructively
show appreciation for the contributions of others, and offer constructive feedback to group members

Grade 7
1.1 Discover and Explore

extend understanding of ideas and information by finding and exploring oral, print and other media texts on related topics and themes
 express personal understandings of ideas and information based on prior knowledge, experiences with others and a variety of oral, print and other media texts
 reflect on own observations and experiences to understand and develop oral, print and other media texts
 discuss and respond to ways that content and forms of oral, print and other media texts interact to influence understanding
explore and assess oral, print and other media texts recommended by others

1.2 Clarify and Extend

 use talk, writing and representing to examine, clarify and assess understanding of ideas, information and experiences
 talk with others to elaborate ideas, and ask specific questions to seek helpful feedback

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

select and focus relevant ideas from personal experiences and prior knowledge to understand new ideas and information
 use expectations and preferences developed during previous reading experiences to select and read new texts with purpose
 identify, connect and summarize in own words the main ideas from two or more sources on the same topic
 adjust reading rate and strategies to account for changes in structural features of texts and complexity of content

2.2 Respond to Texts

identify and use, effectively and efficiently, structural features of textbooks, such as tables of contents and indices, to access ideas and information and to read with purpose

2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as journals, nature programs, short stories, poetry, letters, CD ROM programs, mysteries, historical fiction, drawings and prints
 justify own point of view about oral, print and other media texts, using evidence from texts
 organize interpretations of oral, print, and other media texts in another form of genre
 predict and discuss the consequences of events or characters' actions, based on information in oral, print and other media texts
 compare the choices and behaviours of characters portrayed in oral, print and other media texts with those of self and others

2.4 Create Original Text

 explain how sound and image work together to create effects in media texts

3.1 Plan and Focus

 choose appropriate strategies for generating ideas and focusing topics for oral, print and other media texts
 create a variety of oral, print and other media texts to explore ideas related to particular topics or themes

3.2 Select and Process

use note-taking, outlining or representing to summarize important ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts
plan and organize data collection based on instructions, explanations and pre-established parameters

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate  
obtain information from a variety of sources, such as adults, peers, advertisements, magazines, lyrics, formal interviews, almanacs, broadcasts and videos, to explore research questions
distinguish between fact and opinion and follow the development of argument and opinion
 scan to locate specific information quickly, summarize and record information useful for research purposes

 use pre-established criteria to evaluate the usefulness of a variety of information sources in terms of their structure and purpose

Grade 8
1.1 Discover and Explore

revise understanding and expressions of ideas by connecting new and prior knowledge and experiences
seek out and consider diverse ideas, opinions and experiences to develop and extend own ideas, opinions and experiences
discuss and respond to ways that forms of oral, print and other media texts enhance or constrain the development and communication of ideas, information and experiences

1.2 Clarify and Extend

acknowledge the value of others' ideas and opinions in exploring and extending personal interpretations and perspectives
exchange ideas and opinions to clarify understanding to broaden personal perspectives,
reconsider and revise initial understanding and responses in light of new ideas, information and feedback from others

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

use strategies to supplement and extend prior knowledge and experience when interpreting new ideas and information
enhance understanding by paraphrasing main ideas and supporting details and by rereading and discussing relevant passages
monitor understanding; skim, scan or read slowly and carefully, as appropriate, to enhance comprehension
take notes, make outlines and use strategies such as read, recite, review to comprehend and remember ideas and information
identify and use visual and textual cues to reference materials, such as catalogues, databases, web sites, thesarui and writer's handbooks, to access information effectively and efficiently
identify and use structural features of a variety of oral, print and other media texts, such as newspapers, magazines, instruction booklets, advertisements and schedules, encountered in everyday life.  

2.2 Respond to Texts

expect that there is more than one interpretation for oral, print and other media texts, and discuss other points of view

2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

compare the usefulness of different types of media texts
identify creative uses of language and visuals in popular culture, such as commercials, rock videos and magazines, explain how imagery and figurative language, such as hyperbole, create tone and mood

2.4 Create Original Text

create oral, print and other media texts related to issues encountered in texts and in own life

3.1 Plan and Focus

select the most appropriate information sources for topic, audience, purpose and form

3.2 Select and Process

record key ideas and information from oral, print and other media text, avoiding overuse of direct quotations
adjust rate of reading or viewing to suit purpose and density of information in print or other media texts

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate  

make notes in point form, summarizing major ideas and supporting details; reference sources
discard information that is irrelevant for audience, purpose, form or point of view.
use consistent and approved format to credit for quoted and paraphrased ideas and information
evaluate the relevance and importance of gathered information; address information gaps

incorporate new information with prior knowledge and experiences to develop new understanding

3.4 Share and Review

integrate appropriate visual, print and/or other media to inform and engage the audience
assess the research process, and consider alternative ways of achieving research goals

4.1 Enhance and Improve

share draft oral, print and other media texts in a way that will elicit useful feedback
evaluate how particular content features contribute to , or detract from, the overall effectiveness of own and others' oral, print and other media texts; make and suggest revisions

infer the literal and figurative meaning of words in context using idioms, analogies, metaphors and similies

4.3 Present and Share

plan and facilitate small group and short, whole class presentations to share information
present information to achieve a particular purpose and to appeal to interest and background knowledge of reader or audience
plan and shape presentations to achieve particular purposes or effects, and use feedback from rehearsals to make modifications
anticipate the organizational pattern of presentations, and identify important ideas and supporting details

5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community

clarify and broaden perspectives and opinions, by examining the ideas of others
compare ways in which oral, print and other media texts reflect specific elements of cultures or periods in history

5.2 Work Within a Group
contribute ideas, knowledge and strategies to identify group information needs and sources
organize and complete tasks cooperatively by defining roles and responsibilities, negotiating to find the basis for agreement, setting objectives and time frame, and reviewing progress

Grade 9

1.1 Discover and Explore
1.2 Clarify and Extend
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
2.2 Respond to Texts
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
2.4 Create Original Text
3.1 Plan and Focus
3.2 Select and Process
3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate  
3.4 Share and Review
4.1 Enhance and Improve
4.3 Present and Share
5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
5.2 Work Within a Group