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Overview   Timeline   Introduction   Y1K   Present   Future   Finale

Advocates for the Millennium

- A Unit Timeline -

Each of the sections of this unit will be one week long for a total of six weeks.  

May 3-6


What is the millennium anyway?
 How are businesses preparing?

May 10 - 14

Y1K & The First
2000 Years

Human Timeline
Past Millennium Members
Millennia of the Past - A Reflection

May 17 - 21

The Present

Critical analysis of information provided by businesses
Presentation of what businesses are doing to prepare for Y2K 

May 25 - 28

the Future

Students will read and anlyze futuristic poetry
Students will write their own futuristic poems
Students will exchange their poems with their keypals
Each student will present their keypal's poem to their class and get reaction

May 31 - June 4

A Grande

Students will participate in Millennium Jeopardy via a listboard in real time with their partner class.